Weider X-Factor ST: די קאָמפּלעקס פאַנגקשאַנאַל טריינינג פֿאַר דער אַנטוויקלונג פון די גאנצע גוף

If you want to lose weight, improve your body and increase muscle strength, try קאָמפּליצירט וויידער X-Factor ST the coach Nahesi Crawford. For classes you do not need additional equipment – just your own body weight and desire to reach the goal!

Program description the Weider X-Factor ST

Weider X-Factor ST is a complex of effective exercises that will help you build a slim and strong body. 8-week program includes functional, power, aerobic and plyometric exercises for a complete transformation of your figure. You’ll burn calories, strengthen a muscular corset and to build lasting relief the body. You do not need additional equipment and deep training experience, the program is suitable for a wide range of fitness buffs.

די קאָמפּלעקס כולל 8 basic exercises , one video for each week (Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, …, Week 8). The main workout last for 40 minutes, including warm-up and hitch. They are as follows: 12 different exercises repeated in two rounds, after each exercise you’ll rest a little bit. Between the circles are assumed minute break. Classes are not exhausted, but make good to sweat. On average, one program can burn 300-350 calories. Accordingly, with each subsequent week of training will be more complicated.

In addition to the main 40-minute video, the program includes 4 bonus workouts:

  • Abs (10 minutes)
  • Glutes and Thighs (15 minutes)
  • Total Body (20 minutes)
  • Yoga (20 minutes)

The coach uses a variety of exercises for strengthening muscles and burning calories. Use an adequate amount of exercise for the bark, including the isometric plank. The pace of lessons is moderate cardio-the load is not dominant, especially in the first video. Gradually, the intensity will increase, plyometric exercises are added, but the first week the workload in the program will be feasible for everyone.

Workout schedule Weider X-Factor ST

Course Weider X-Factor ST assumes a ready calendar of classes. You will perform each exercise 3-4 times a week. Other days you can do any cardio on your choice of either bonus classes. One day a week off. As you can see, the program assumes a fairly free schedule, so perfect for those who like to combine different videoframerate.

You are waiting for the following exercises: lunges, push-ups, burpees, supermans, planks, hip bridges, shadow boxing, plyo, fast feet, one leg squats, crunches, mountain climbers, sumo squats, jumping jacks. Almost all exercises involve simple and complex modification. Every week you are waiting for more complex and intense exercises. For some exercises, you may need a stand for pushups, but they are completely optional.

The program is suitable פֿאַר טריינינג אין ינטערמידייט מדרגה. If you are an advanced student then skip the first 2-3 exercises and go directly to the fourth-fifth week. If you are a beginner, the complex of the Weider X-Factor ST you can also come and just in some moments, use the simplified modification of exercises.

The pros and cons of the program:

די אַדוואַנטידזשיז פון די פּראָגראַם:

  • The program Weider X-Factor ST will help you to burn calories and get rid of extra pounds.
  • You will work on increasing muscle strength and tone the entire body.
  • איר וועט ניט דאַרפֿן נאָך ויסריכט, אַלע עקסערסייזיז זענען געטאן מיט די וואָג פון זיין אייגן גוף.
  • Training supplied ready calendar of classes for the 8 weeks.
  • דער פּלאַן is very easy to follow: each week corresponds to one training.
  • The program demonstrates several exercise options you can choose the suitable for you modification.
  • You will find high-quality and varied load for the crust: planks, Superman, crunchy.
  • The complex includes 4 short bonus video: for the whole body, to belly, to thighs and buttocks, yoga.
  • ווידעא פראַמערייט געטאן זייער גוט: lasts 40 minutes, consist of several circles, include aerobic exercise and strength exercises for the entire body.

די דיסאַדוואַנטידזשיז פון די פּראָגראַם:

  • Not so much cardio, it will have to “get” on the side as recommended in the calendar of classes. See, for example: Top 10 home cardio workouts for 30 minutes
  • All 8 basic workouts built on a similar principleinclude similar exercises and have exactly the same warm-up and stretching.
  • Coach program has the clear diction, which can cause difficulty in understanding his instructions.
  • Modest design video: or the name of the exercise or stopwatch is not provided.

Such as Weider X-Factor ST are ideal for developing a strong body and improve the shape, but to sustain complex similar videos within 8 weeks may not be easy. However, if the proposed alternate the workouts with other activities (as stated in the calendar), then you can safely add this course to your “chosen” list.

See also: Ruthless Steve Uria: 20 intense workouts for weight-loss.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן