6 מערסט יקערדיק וועדזשטאַבאַלז פֿאַר אַ קינד

Children’s diet should be specially balanced and as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and fiber, preferably the daily presence of vegetables on the child’s plate. And especially good if every day, these vegetables will be 6 – all different colors to get the maximum amount of nutrients.

1 – Cabbage

Cabbage can be usual cabbage and cauliflower or broccoli, rich in vitamins C, folic acid, Pantothenic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and other no less useful substances. Cabbage – excellent prevention of viral diseases, vitamin deficiency, neurological problems, and problems with rapid weight gain.

2 - טאַמאַטאָוז

Tomatoes, both red and yellow, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They are also able to regulate the nervous system’s activity and support the health of the heart and blood vessels.

3 קעראַץ

It contains many carotenes and vitamin A which is good for visual acuity, especially for young students. Carrot strengthens teeth and gums, normalizes digestion, improves cellular renewal processes, and increases the long deep sleep phase.

4 – Beets

Beetroot is perfectly camouflaged in many dishes, even in baked goods, and add it to the child’s diet should be required. There is a lot of iodine, copper, vitamins C and B. it is necessary to increase hemoglobin for heart support and stimulate mental processes. Beetroot also helps to remove toxins and slags from the body.

6 מערסט יקערדיק וועדזשטאַבאַלז פֿאַר אַ קינד

5 – bell pepper

Bell peppers are sweet to the taste, and they can be used as a healthy snack and add any in the first and second courses. It is a source of potassium, vitamins C, A, P, PP, and group B. bell pepper helps to restore the health of the heart and blood vessels, strengthens the nerves, helps to focus, and calm to fall asleep.

6 Green onions

Green onion is involved in the secretion of bile, and the formation of the pancreas in a child occurs within a few years. It helps to normalize digestion and make up for the lack of vitamin C in the body.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן