ווען איז אַ נויטפאַל קייסערין געטאן?

Emergency Cesarean

Fetal pain

An emergency cesarean can be decided if the monitoring, a device that records the baby’s contractions and heart rate, shows that he is no longer able to stand labor. This most often results in a פּאַמעלעך האַרץ טעמפּאָ at the time of a contraction and means thathe is no longer well oxygenated and he suffers. If the problem persists or worsens, doctors will act very quickly. The causes are multiple and often discovered at the time of cesarean section.

See also our article ” Baby monitoring during labor »

The work is no longer progressing

מאל עס איז אַ dilation abnormality אָדער צו failure of the baby’s head to progress through the maternal pelvis which can lead to a mother’s caesarization. If the cervix no longer opens despite good contractions, we can wait two hours. Same thing if the baby’s head remains high, but after this time, obstructed labor (this is the medical term) may be responsible for פיטאַל נויט and uterine muscle “fatigue”. We then have no choice but to intervene to deliver a healthy baby.

A bad position of the baby

Another situation may force a קיסרis when the baby presents his forehead first. This position, unpredictable since it is only detected at the time of childbirth by a vaginal examination, is incompatible with a normal childbirth.

Mom’s bleeding

אין זעלטן פאלן, the placenta may separate from the uterine wall before delivery and cause maternal hemorrhage. Sometimes part of the placenta located too close to the cervix bleeds from the contractions. There, no time to waste, the baby must be taken out quickly.

The misplaced umbilical cord

זייער ראַרעלי the cord can slip past the baby’s head and go down into the vagina. The head then risks compressing it, reducing the oxygen supply and causing fetal distress.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן