
The usual rule of a polite person: give way to passengers with children. Everything seems to be simple, but the question is: until what age is a child not able to stand a couple of stops in the subway? And why is he more important than, for example, a tired, albeit young woman? Journalist and director Elena Pogrebizhskaya talks about Russian child-centrism.

A woman of 55 years old with a child of 7-8 years old was traveling with me in the subway, she is probably his grandmother. I had an extreme sitting place, one where people standing next to me all the time lean on their priests. In general, they both stood there, and I hear the conversation. The boy says: «I want to stand.» Grandmother to him: “Can you sit down?”

Although there are no empty seats around. The boy replies: “No, I want to stand up,” and the grandmother answered him: “Well, then you will grow up faster.”

I think to myself, what an interesting dialogue. In general, they stood for exactly a minute, then my grandmother resolutely approached the girl sitting opposite me and said: “Make room for us!”

The girl quickly stood up, and the man who was sitting next to him also stood up. The grandmother sat down, and the grandson sat down. So they rode.

Classic Russian child-centrism: all the best for children, the worst for adults

Question: and by what right should a child of 8 years old, and not a girl of 30 years old, be imprisoned? And why, if suddenly the boy is tired, is his fatigue more important than the fatigue of an adult lady? And if a woman came up to me and said, “Make room!”, she would hear: “No, why on earth?”

This, in my opinion, is classic Russian child-centrism: all the best for children, and all the worst for adults, that means. Stand up, let the child sit down. Well, his young grandmother at the same time.

This was my text on Facebook (an extremist organization banned in Russia). And it would never have crossed my mind what a storm it would cause. Firstly, for some reason people began to assume that both the grandmother and the boy could be sick. They can, of course. How sick can those who were already sitting in the car next to them be sick.

Secondly, it turned out to be terribly important that the child was a boy. Here, they say, what kind of men we raise.

Thirdly, the imagination of many immediately created the image of a decrepit, infirm old woman with a baby grandson. In fact, it was a woman of mature age, over 50 years old and no older. So, here is what they wrote me in response to the post.


Elena, I completely share your thoughts. This is some kind of general nightmare, and we are talking not only about “give way in transport”, but about the idea of ​​“all the best for children”. Why the best? Don’t adults deserve better? Half of the products say “Baby. Safe.» And in general, this vile attitude “you are small, therefore special” kills a person. Phew. She spoke out.


Note that the grandmother lifted the girl to make way for her grandson. Future man! This is how the relationship between a man and a woman is formed. It is formed by such mothers and grandmothers who are ready to sacrifice themselves and all other female persons to their tired child.

And then it starts — «all men are goats», «there are no normal men left» … And where do they come from, if such upbringing. Men are brought up from birth!!!!!


Grandmother transfers her needs to her grandson, while ignoring his desire … As in that joke: “You should have your own opinion, and now mom will tell you which one.” I wouldn’t give in.


Despite the problem with my back, I myself always stand — my personal choice, but … Why is someone obliged to give way to someone? How about natural selection? It is worth considering: maybe a person does not need to go anywhere if he (a) cannot stand on his feet?


I agree completely. I still don’t understand why parents don’t put their children on their laps. Often I see that the mother is standing, and the child is sitting. Maybe I don’t know something about children, maybe they are crystal and can break.

And what do you think about this situation and would you yourself get up if this grandmother came up to you with the words “Give way”?

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן