טוישן די פעליקייַט שריפֿט גרייס אין Word

Are you frustrated by having to change the font size every time you create a document in Word? Want to know how to end this once and for all and set your favorite default font size for all documents?!

Microsoft installed the font in Word 2007 גיידזשיז size 11 after being in that role for many years Times ניו רוימישע size 12. Although this is easy to get used to, in Microsoft Word, you can change almost all the default settings. For example, you can use the font גיידזשיז size 12 or קאָמיקער סאַנס size 48 – whatever you want! Next, you will learn how to change the default font settings in Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010.

How to change font settings in Microsoft Word

To change the default font settings, click on the small arrow icon in the lower right corner of the section קאַסע (שריפֿט) קוויטל היים (היים).

אין די דיאַלאָג קעסטל קאַסע (Font) Set the desired options for the font. Notice the line +Body (+Body text) in the field קאַסע (Font), it says that the font itself will be determined by the style of the document that you select, and only the font style and size are configured. That is, if the font is used in the document style settings גיידזשיז, then the default font will be used גיידזשיז, and the font size and style will be whatever you choose. If you want to set a particular font as the default, simply select it from the drop-down list, and this choice will take precedence over the font selected in the document style settings.

Here we will leave all the settings unchanged, just set the font character size to 12 (this is the text size for the body of the document). Those who use Asian languages, such as Chinese, may see the settings box for Asian languages. When the options are selected, click the button באַשטעטיקט ווי פעליקייַט (Default) in the lower left corner of the dialog box.

You will be asked to confirm if you really want to set these default settings. In Word 2010, you will be given two options to choose from – change the default settings for this document only or for all documents. Check option אַלע דאָקומענטן באזירט אויף די Normal.dotm מוסטער (all documents based on the Normal.dotm template) and click OK.

In Word 2007 just click OKto save changes to the default settings.

From now on, every time you start Word or create a new document, your default font will be exactly as you specified. If you decide to change the settings again, just repeat all the steps again.

Editing a template file

Another way to change the default font settings is to change the file normal.dotm. Word creates new documents from this file. It usually just copies the formatting from that file into the newly created document.

To change a file normal.dotm, enter the following expression in the address bar of the explorer or in the command line:



This command will open the Microsoft Office templates folder. Right click on the file normal.dotm and from the context menu choose עפענען (Open) to open the file for editing.

Do not try to open the file by double-clicking the left mouse button – this will only lead to the creation of a new document from the template normal.dotm, and any changes you make will not be saved in the template file.

Now change any font settings as you normally would.

געדענק: Anything you change or type in this document will appear in every new Word document you create.

If you suddenly want to reset all settings to the initial ones, just delete the file normal.dotm. Word will recreate it with default settings the next time you start the program.

ביטע געדענקען: Changing the default font size will not affect the font size in existing documents. They will still use the settings that were specified when these documents were created. In addition, for the template normal.dotm may be affected by some add-ons. If you feel like Word doesn’t remember font settings, try disabling add-ins and see what happens.


Sometimes the little things can be very annoying. Being able to customize the default font the way you want it is a great help to get rid of irritation and make your work more productive.

Now answer the question: Which default font do you prefer – גיידזשיז size 11, Times ניו רוימישע size 12 or some other combination? Write your answers in the comments, let the world know what you like!

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן