Lose 10 pounds in one month with the famous trainer, Exercise TV! Chris Freytag offers a comprehensive program for one month, with which you will be able to burn fat, shift the plateau and gain perfect shape in a short time.

Catching up with Chris Freytag, you will get rid of extra pounds and tighten the body in just a month of training.

פֿאַר ווערקאַוץ אין שטוב מיר רעקאָמענדירן צו זען די פאלגענדע אַרטיקל:

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Program description 10 Pound Slimdown

10 Pound Slimdown — is a complex of exercises by which you will be able to get rid of those last unwanted 10 pounds. Chris Freytag uses in his program is a proven method of interval training. It’s a guaranteed way to lose weight and speed up metabolism. The complex 10 Pound Slimdown quite gentle on the load and suitable even for people with introductory level.

The complex includes 5 workouts, with a duration of 20-25 minutes:

  • Total Body Blast (full body)
  • אויבערשטער גוף (אויבערשטער גוף)
  • Core (abdomen and KOR)
  • נידעריקער גוף (נידעריקער גוף)
  • Yoga (yoga)

In all workouts (except yoga) you will alternate cardio and strength exercisesthat will not leave your problem areas not a chance. As you know, the last 3-5 kg body gives with great difficulty, so interval training is the best way to shift a plateau. You tighten your body, strengthen muscles and reduce the volume by burning fat.

For classes you will need a pair of dumbbells 1.5-2 kg and the Mat. 10 Pound Slimdown uniquely effective and, most importantly, accessible to a wide range working from entry level and above. And more experienced followers home workouts can adopt a separate exercise to the additional load.

10 Pound Slimdown Extreme: the second part

נאָך די הצלחה פון די 10 Pound Slimdown Chris Freytag has decided to release the continuation of the program, but with higher complexity. It also includes workouts for different problem areas, only the length of the video is increased in 2 times! Classes are held on the principle of interval circular loads, where you’ll be alternating strength exercises with dumbbells and cardio exercise to raise the pulse. This combination will help you to burn fat and to tighten the muscles of the whole body.

10 Pound Slimdown Extreme suitable for intermediate level but if you take dumbbells much weight and advanced will find this complex very interesting. A variety of exercises not only help you to devote time to each muscle group, but also to make the class maximum intense and effective. For classes it is desirable to have 2 pairs of dumbbells of different weights. In addition to the dumbbells you’ll also need a chair.

In complex 10 Pound Slimdown Extreme included 6 basic exercises for 40 minutes, און 2 bonus videos that are 10 minutes and 4 recovery video for muscle recovery after exercise:

  • Total Body (whole body)
  • אויבערשטער גוף (אויבערשטער גוף)
  • נידעריקער גוף (נידעריקער גוף)
  • Core (for the crust)
  • Cardio Kickboxing (cardio based kickboxing)
  • Yoga (yoga)
  • 10 minute Abs (for abdominal muscles)
  • 10 minute Buns (butt)

די אַדוואַנטידזשיז פון דעם פּראָגראַם

  1. Chris Freytag uses amazingly effective technique: you will alternate between power and cardio-exercises. Interval workouts help you burn maximum calories, speed up metabolism and start the fat burning process.
  2. You will work on all the problem areas: hands, belly, legs, buttocks. In addition to strengthening of muscles from strength training with dumbbells, you burn fat through aerobic exercise.
  3. Try this program if you have suffered a stagnation in the results. 10 Pound Slimdown you move a plateau and get rid of the last, most stubborn pounds.
  4. This comprehensive program, which included several diverse training for the whole body. It is designed for one month, you will deal an existing calendar.
  5. 10 Pound Slimdown suitable for those who are just starting to exercise. Load the program readily available to beginners.
  6. 10 Pound Slimdown Extreme is a great option to continue lessons after the first part, and also independent and very high quality package for the more experienced student.
  7. Don’t have to be a monthly program, you can take a single workout for those problem areas that bother you more than others.

זען אויך:

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לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן