15 כּללים וואָס רייַך און מצליח מענטשן נוצן

Hello dear blog readers! In order to make fewer mistakes and speed up the process of achieving your goals, it is important to be able to draw on the experience of other people who have succeeded in what you want to achieve. After analyzing the biographies of famous personalities who were able to gain worldwide recognition, and in some cases even do the impossible, I want to provide a list of the so-called rules of successful people, which are sometimes called golden ones, because they are really effective.


1. Income and expenses

No matter how difficult it may seem at times, but income should be greater than expenses. Do not take out loans or buy goods in installments, so you will fall into the trap and simply wallow in debt. A person is successful if he manages money wisely.

Think, if you suddenly lose your job, do you have a reserve for the so-called rainy day to live on while you are looking? And live not for a week or two, but for about six months, you never know how things will be with vacancies.

Invest, open deposits and be sure to organize alternative passive sources of income for yourself. Such as renting a house, a car, etc. Do your home bookkeeping, after all. Live now, but worry about the future. An article about passive income will help you with this.

2. הילף אנדערע

15 כּללים וואָס רייַך און מצליח מענטשן נוצן

Even if you yourself are not in the best position. The universe always returns what you give to the world, only tenfold. And most billionaires know about this secret, at least a rare one of them is not involved in charity work.

3. Your work should be interesting to you

It is then that you will take on it with inspiration and passion, generate ideas, desire development and improvement. But, if circumstances do not allow you to work where your soul desires, do not neglect other vacancies, believing that you deserve something better. Lying on the couch and waiting for mountains of gold to give you is pointless. It’s better to clean the porches, but buy food with your own money than “sit on the neck” of someone.

Many businessmen have achieved world recognition not only due to the talent of entrepreneurship and their genius, but also due to tireless exhausting work, moreover, starting from childhood. Yes, they knew that they deserved better, but at the same time they acted to realize and bring to life these ideas of their own about themselves and the future.

4. צייַט

Priceless, so don’t waste it. A successful realized person knows the score of every minute of his life, moreover, he has a diary in which he keeps track of his affairs. Boredom is like a mythical creature for him, since the most stupid act would be “killing time”, which cannot be returned.

Therefore, give up the TV and try to spend less time watching the news. Especially in the morning, gadgets make it difficult to tune in to the day ahead, wake up properly and get ready. And the abundance of negative information that is full of news feeds can sometimes ruin your mood, and you need to occupy your head with completely different thoughts, for example, planning activities.

5. געזונטע לעבנסשטייגער

It helps to feel vivacity, which will definitely give you more strength and energy than someone who eats fast foods, drinks alcohol excessively and does not play sports at all. So, if you want to feel good, use the recommendations from this article.


Everything that happens in your life is a product of your thoughts and actions, that is, only you are responsible for what you have. It all depends on the choices you make. Therefore, it is worth treating each of them wisely. At some moments it is worth taking risks without stopping yourself with fear, but at others, on the contrary, turn on logic and anticipate the consequences in advance, pausing and looking around.

Try to rely on your intuition and don’t let worries take control of your life. If you’re having trouble with sensitivity and don’t know when to act and when not to act, check out the article Top 13 Exercises for Developing Extraordinarily Strong Intuition.

7. Failures and problems

15 כּללים וואָס רייַך און מצליח מענטשן נוצן

Failures do not signal that you are simply not able to do something, they help to temper and gain experience that will come in handy in more difficult situations. There is an illusion that rich people were born just like that, that whole bundles of money fall at their feet, or that they have almost magical abilities, which is why they were able to reach the top.

But in fact, the secret is that they were not afraid and not lazy, but got up with each fall and moved on. Some even had to return to the starting point and start all over again. Do you think they had no thoughts that everything was gone and life stopped? They were, they just didn’t let despair take over, but accepted failure, trying to find their mistakes in order to eliminate them in the future, and tried back.

For example, Donald Trump once went bankrupt, and moreover, he still owed one billion dollars. But this, to put it mildly, catastrophe did not prevent him not only from recovering, but also from becoming the president of America.

קסנומקס. אָבדזשעקטיוועס

If you don’t set goals for yourself, how will you achieve them? Every successful person has priorities, tasks and activities planned. In business, it is not enough to rely on chance, your day must be streamlined, and you must understand when you are about to implement your plans and what is required for this.

Success falls on the head in very rare cases, especially if there is chaos in the head. Usually it is the result of planned actions taken gradually. So take on board an article on how to make a plan for every day, and go for it.

9. Rest and recovery

15 כּללים וואָס רייַך און מצליח מענטשן נוצן

Despite the fact that you have to work hard, it is also important to take time and rest. The activities of exhausted and embittered people are completely ineffective, and in order to be full of strength, it is necessary to recover qualitatively. Otherwise, you will not only “break wood” in your work, but also risk falling out of the process for a long time due to the occurrence of some kind of disease against the background of daily stress, which you did not remove, but only accumulated tension.

So make sure to sleep at least 8 hours, do not ignore weekends and vacation days, and do what you like in your free time. You will feel the pleasure of how you organized your life — you will be healthy and inspired to even greater achievements.

10. סדר

Order should be not only in thoughts and plans, but also on the desktop. If the papers are scattered and you don’t know where to find the document you need, then you lose a lot of time searching. Organize your space so that it works for you, not against you.

11. צי ניט אָפּלייגן

Deal with them as they come. Since they tend to accumulate, and at one point you risk losing everything due to laziness and irresponsibility. You still have to solve them, it’s better right away, without “carrying” tension and anxiety behind you.

12. אמונה

If you believe in your strengths and success, then you will be able to realize your dreams. Thoughts are things, remember? Try alpha visualization and positive affirmation techniques, they take very little time to complete, but they are effective.

Affirmations are great for those who have low self-esteem and a pessimistic outlook on life, while visualizations will help you “pull” what you want. Both methods are detailed in blog articles.

13. סוויווע

15 כּללים וואָס רייַך און מצליח מענטשן נוצן

Remember the saying, «Tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are»? It did not arise from scratch, because those around us, whether they want it or not, influence our worldview, actions, well-being, self-esteem, and so on. Try to communicate more often with people who are authoritative for you, from whom you can gain valuable knowledge and learn from experience.

In addition, thanks to them, you can expand your circle of acquaintances, get to know the best or most influential specialists from various fields of activity, and this, believe me, will not be superfluous, especially in situations where outside help is needed.

14. Stand up for your boundaries

This is no less important than taking care of others, otherwise, constantly giving in, you will not do what is important to you. The people with whom you have to intersect, especially at work, must respect you and take into account your opinion, and this is only possible if you clearly indicate what is permissible and what is not in relation to you.

Anyone who tolerates and pushes his interests and desires somewhere far away, just not to provoke a conflict or become noticeable, is unlikely to succeed. So take into account the recommendations from the article about personal space.

15. Never stop there

even if it seems that it is impossible to move further. Learn, broaden your horizons, replenish your stock of knowledge, because the world is rapidly developing, and if you have high ambitions, you need to “be on the wave” so as not to miss anything, especially if you want to be an innovator, leader and professional in your field.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! This article outlines the main rules followed by people who have achieved heights in life, no matter what area they work in, it is important that it helped them stand out from the crowd and do something special. So believe in yourself, otherwise who else but you?

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן