די רעזולטאַטן פון קאַלקיאַלייטינג די מדרגה פון גשמיות טעטיקייט קאַלקיאַליישאַן טרעפּל 4 פון 4
ערשט דאַטן
די וואָג72 kg
וווּקס168 cm
עלטער38 פולע יארן
בוסט96 cm
האַנטגעלענק גערטמער 18,5 cm
פאַרלירן וואָג איידער70.6 kg
פאַרלירן וואָג אויף1.4 kg
פאַרלירן וואָג אין צייט14 טעג
וואָג אָנווער קורס0.1 kg / day (Acceptable)
Reducing calorie content650 קקאַל / טאָג
BX1470 קקאַל / טאָג

Energy costs due to the profession

וועגן 489 קקאַל / טאָג

Non-occupational energy costs

אלעס צוזאמען 1663 קקאַל / טאָג


time to sleep and lie down 551 קקאַל / טאָג

housework and outdoor activities 515 קקאַל / טאָג

אנדערע אַקטיוויטעטן 597 קקאַל / טאָג

Total average daily energy consumption

is 2152 קקאַל / טאָג

Daily energy expenditure at the selected weight

be 2133 קקאַל / טאָג

You now have such a daily energy consumption. When losing weight, it will decrease due to a decrease in basal metabolism. And when you reach the desired body weight by applying the diet, the next step should be to control the daily caloric intake of food – it should not be more than daily energy expenditure at the selected weight with the same physical activity – in this case, your weight will stabilize at the required level.

All calculations are valid for a mixed diet, when the body contains the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (in an approximate ratio of 14% 16% 70% for middle-aged people who do not play sports – or in a weight ratio of 1: 1,1: 4,7 , 15 gr.). It should be noted here that for the regions of the Far North and regions equated to them, these ratios are significantly shifted towards a decrease in carbohydrates to values ​​of 35% 50% 10%. Also, for these areas, the average daily calorie content increases by 15-XNUMX%.

Methods for calculating indicators correspond to state regulatory documents approved by law, with the exception of the schemes for calculating the basal metabolic rate (given in the documents for the ranges by weight and age with a step of 5 kg and 10 years – the calculation schemes used here are more accurate in this sense).

Power systems involve following their recommendations for a long time.

The duration of diets, on the contrary, is strictly fixed, and it is highly discouraged to increase it. The same applies to any repeated diet – this period of time is indicated as the minimum.


לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן