די הויפּט דיפעראַנסיז צווישן ברעם און ברעם

Similar species of fish live in reservoirs. It happens that anglers with experience cannot correctly determine who is in front of them. These are the bream and bream, what is the difference and we will find out further.

Getting to know the bream and the bream

Representatives of the river ichthyofauna are similar, a fisherman without a minimum experience will easily confuse them, more experienced ones will not always be able to distinguish representatives of cyprinids. It turns out not by chance, fish have a number of identical features:

  • belong to the same family;
  • have the same habitats;
  • move around the pond in flocks;
  • the diet is almost identical;
  • the appearance is similar, the scales have the same color, the body sizes often coincide.

Gustera adapts to the environment, becoming more like a bream. Even avid anglers sometimes find it difficult to determine the correct species to attribute a single individual to.

Bream and underbream: description

The similarity of the representative of cyprinids is noticeable precisely with the underbream, that is, a young individual. Its description will be given below.

די הויפּט דיפעראַנסיז צווישן ברעם און ברעם


The ichthyoger has a silver body color, but with age it changes to golden. It is found in reservoirs in flocks of small size; it is not difficult for an angler to find it in thickets. In winter, they descend to the depths, settling in crevices, depressions of reservoirs.

Guster: appearance

It is more difficult to meet in water areas, cyprinids of this species are less common. They have the same color as the underbream, but the scales do not change color with age, remain light and silvery.

A single individual cannot be found; they travel around the reservoir in numerous flocks, where fish of the same age and size are selected. Willingly responds to the applied bait, ahead of even relatives.

But the absolute similarity is only at first glance, the fish are very different from each other, what exactly we will analyze further.


Even an experienced fisherman cannot distinguish the fish, the obstacles are the same scale color, size, body shape is similar, the habitat is identical. There are enough differences, it is worth studying the two types of cyprinids in more detail.

They differ in many indicators and characteristics, attention is focused on the following indicators:

  • fins;
  • קאָפּ;
  • עק;
  • וואָג;
  • reactions to food.

These features will greatly distinguish relatives.


A comparative description of the parts of the fish body is best presented in the form of a table:

fin typesfeatures of the breambream features
אַנאַל3 simple rays and 20-24 branchedstarts from the dorsal and has more than 30 rays
dorsal3 regular beams and 8 branchedקירצער
pairedhave a reddish color throughout the life of the individualhave a gray color, become darker over time
עקליכט גרויgrayish, in an adult it has an almost even color

The difference was immediately discovered.

קאָפּ פאָרעם

How else is a bream different from a bream? The head and eyes make it easy to determine who is in front of you. The representative of the latter has structural features:

  • the head is blunt in shape, relatively small in relation to the body;
  • eyes large, cast-iron with large pupils.

Tail, scales

Different cyprinids will be the shape of the tails, another of their cardinal differences. It will be possible to distinguish two types of fish by examining in detail the tail fins of the representatives:

  • the feathers of the bream have the same length, inside there is a slight rounding;
  • the inner notch of the bream in the caudal fin has 90 degrees, the feather on top is shorter than the bottom one.

We will consider the scales in more detail, in a cunning and cautious representative it is larger, sometimes the number of scales reaches 18. Guster cannot boast of indicators, the dimensions of the body cover are more modest, no one has yet been able to count more than 13.

Comparing all the subtleties, the conclusion suggests itself that bream and silver bream differ significantly. Appearance is similar at first glance, but has many differences.

Features of the behavior of bream and silver bream

Distinctive features will be in behavior, confusing them will not work. They were collected thanks to the observations of anglers who noticed a lot over a long period.

די הויפּט דיפעראַנסיז צווישן ברעם און ברעם

Subtleties of behavior:

  • bream and its young are more common in water bodies, white bream has a smaller population;
  • when catching a silver bream, it responds better to complementary foods;
  • the bream will not go for all the bait, it will be taken carefully and delicately;
  • a carp species of fish with red fins and a blunt head gathers in numerous flocks, migrates throughout the reservoir in search of food;
  • a cunning and cautious representative of cyprinids has flocks with fewer heads;
  • shoals of bream can have fish of different sizes, its relatives select a society of approximately identical individuals;
  • the presence of teeth will also be an important point, the bream has seven of them and they are arranged in two rows, while the bream has five pharyngeal teeth on each side.

When cooked, it is even easier to distinguish these relatives, the meat tastes great. Not only gourmets will be able to understand the intricacies. Bream in fried, baked, dried form is less fat, delicate in taste. Gustera has fatty meat; when cooked, it is more tender and juicy.

Before cooking, chefs note some similarities in processing. The scales will easily separate from both types of fish.

Having collected all the available facts, it is worth noting that bream and white bream differ greatly. It may not be easy for a beginner to do this, but experience will help you understand and learn to distinguish these fish without problems.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן