שוואַנגערשאַפט פּלאַן: אַלע וועגן די פּריקאַנסעפּשאַן באַזוכן

Want a baby? Think about preconception consultation

Do not wait until you are pregnant to see your gynecologist. A preconception consultation is strongly recommended as soon as you plan to have a baby. The objective of this interview is for you to start your pregnancy in the best possible conditions. The consultation begins with a general overview of your state of health. If you are taking a particular treatment, now is the time to say it. Many drugs are indeed prohibited during pregnancy. If you are on antidepressants, there is no question of stopping the treatment. Your doctor will choose, in consultation with your psychiatrist, an antidepressant compatible with pregnancy. In rare cases, there is a medical contraindication to pregnancy (example: severe pulmonary arterial hypertension, or Marfan syndrome in some cases).

During this interview, the doctor also looks at any medical history, cases of illnesses in your family, especially genetic. Last point: your blood type. If you do not know it, you will be prescribed a blood test. This information is very important. Because, if you are rh negative and your partner is rh positive, there may be a rh incompatibility, especially if it is a first pregnancy. In this case, you will be very supervised during your pregnancy.

Un גיינאַקאַלאַדזשיקאַל דורכקוק can also be conducted, especially if you have not recently had regular follow-up. The practitioner will thus see if your uterus and your ovaries are normal, or if they present peculiarities that could compromise or complicate a pregnancy (examples: bicornuate uterus, polycystic ovaries, etc.). It could also be the occasion to carry out a cervical smear, as part of the screening for cervical cancer, and to perform a palpation of the breasts to see if all is well also on that side.

Baby project: the importance of folic acid, or vitamin B9

In accordance with the recommendations of the High Authority for Health, folic acid (also called vitamin B9 or folate) must be systematically prescribed to women who are planning to become pregnant. This vitamin is essential for consolidating the baby’s bones.. It reduces the risk of failure of the neural tube to close and prevents certain birth defects, including spina bifida. But to be effective, it must be taken at least four weeks before conception and up to three months of pregnancy.

Pre-conception visit: lifestyle and diet

During this visit, your lifestyle and that of your companion are scrutinized, the goal being to identify possible risk factors both for the fertility of the couple and for the pregnancy to come. You are aware of the risks associated with tobacco, alcohol and drug consumption during pregnancy. If you smoke, your doctor will offer help to quit.. In general, he will explain to you that the desire for a child goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle, because this improves fertility, both in men and in women. And that it is important, as of today, to adopt a balanced diet combined with regular physical activity. The practitioner will also ask you more practical questions about your working conditions, travel time, etc. take advantage of the preconception visit to ask all your questions.

Preconception visit to the gynecologist: risky pregnancy

The preconception consultation is also an opportunity to identify the type of follow-up you will benefit from during your pregnancy. Some future mothers said to be “at risk” will be closely monitored. You are concerned, if for example you have diabetes, a chronic pathology (heart problem), hypertension, lupus, etc. Likewise, special attention should be paid to women who are overweight at the start of pregnancy. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of complications for the fetus and the mother (gestational diabetes, hypertension, etc.). It is generally advisable, in this case, to lose a few pounds before conception.

Preconception visit: immunization review

Remember to bring your health record during the preconceptional visit. Your practitioner (midwife or gynecologist) will check that your vaccinations are up to date and offer you, if necessary, the necessary reminders or vaccinations. In particular, he will check that you are immunized against rubella and טאָקסאָפּלאַסמאָסיס. These two diseases are dreadful during pregnancy and can lead to malformations in the baby.

וועגן די רובעללאַ, if you haven’t been vaccinated, now is the time! Make sure before you get pregnant and avoid becoming pregnant within 2 months of vaccination. On the other hand, there is no vaccine that protects against toxoplasmosis. If you have never been infected with this parasite, a blood test every month will verify that you have not contracted it. As for chickenpox, a prior serological check can be carried out in case of doubt.

Note: in France, any vaccination is prohibited for pregnant women, except the flu shot. To be on the safe side, it is best to get vaccinated while you are still using contraception. Last point : קרענק הוסט. This mild illness in adults can be very serious in infants. It is important to make sure that you and your partner are vaccinated.

In short, a baby’s desire, it must be prepared well in advance so that this wonderful project can be carried out quickly and in the best possible conditions in terms of health.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן