פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

Gorchak fish belongs to the family of cyprinid fish species. As a rule, it inhabits reservoirs with stagnant water or reservoirs, where, although it is present, but a slow current. Under natural conditions, there are up to 20 subspecies of this interesting fish, which can have a very attractive color. This article will discuss the behavior and habitats of this fish, as well as methods of fishing.

Description of the bitter fish


פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

This fish can be distinguished from other fish species by a high body, laterally compressed, on which rather large scales are located. In addition, the bitter fish is characterized by the presence of a small head, not large (comparatively) eyes and the absence of a mustache. The mouth of the bitterling is not large and is located in the lower part of the head. The body of the mustard is covered with silvery scales, on top of which, along the body, there are narrow stripes, either bluish or greenish. During the spawning period, the body of the mustard takes on a slightly different, brighter color of iridescent hues. During its life, this fish is able to grow up to a maximum of 10 centimeters. Average individuals are about 7 centimeters long, with a weight of about 8 grams. The life expectancy of this interesting fish is about 5 years. It prefers to stay in flocks, and closer to the bottom, choosing areas with a slight depth.

The diet of this fish consists of plankton and algae, which must certainly be present in the habitats of bitterlings. In Russia, this fish has acquired a number of other names, such as “olshanka”, “bitter”, “pukasik”, “malyavka”, “gorchanka” or “bruise”. In appearance, the mustard fish resembles a small crucian, for which the mustard was also called the “gorchak crucian”.

Common bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus), European bitterling


פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

Different types of mustards prefer their habitat. The main habitat is considered to be the place where the clams “Unio” or “Anodonta” live, which is associated with the life cycle of this fish.

The bitter fish is found in some European countries, namely in the Seine River, the Volga River and the Neva River. In addition, it is found in the basin of the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, as well as in reservoirs associated with the Aegean Sea.

In Russia, the presence of this fish is noted in the Neva River and its tributaries. It can also be found in the Volga region, in such a river as the Volga and Chapaevka, which flows through the Samara region. Sometimes he was met in the Caspian Sea.

Amur bitter is quite common in Asia, in countries such as China, South Korea, Vietnam and Mongolia. In addition, it inhabits some water bodies of the Asian part of Russia. Such places can be considered the Amur River, the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, as well as their basins. In the very east of Russia, Sakhalin, this fish is also found, in such rivers as Poronai and Tym.

Gorchak fish is not of commercial interest, although the populations of this fish are quite numerous. In our country, bitterness is found in the southwestern regions, and in Belarus – in Polissya. Closer to the northern latitudes, the bitterling does not spread, as it prefers warmer water and specific places associated with its life cycle. Despite this, bitterness was met in places where it should not have been.

שפּאַנונג פּראָצעס

פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

As mentioned earlier, for the spawning period, the bitterling changes its appearance, or rather its coloring. The back and sides of males are painted in a bright purple hue, and the fins are bright pink. The male during this period becomes the most attractive to females.

Females also “repaint” in pink, but not as bright as in males. In addition, they form an oviduct, about 5 centimeters long. This is due to the specifics of spawning of this fish. In the process of spawning, this oviduct decreases in size and, upon completion of spawning, it is almost invisible.

During this period, males show increased activity, driving away their rivals from females. As a rule, there is no shortage of females, so this aggressiveness of them is purely symbolic.

Gorchak can begin to spawn after 3 years of life, with a length of about 4 centimeters. The female continues to spawn throughout the spring and summer, laying it in the cavity of a certain type of mollusk, for which this oviduct is necessary. The eggs are oval in shape, about 3 mm in diameter. One female is able to lay about 400 eggs as much as possible, while several females can lay eggs in one mollusk at once. Somewhere in a couple of weeks, bitterling fry appear, which swim out of the mollusk. At the same time, mollusk embryos are attached to them, which thus move within a particular reservoir. In other words, the mollusk and bitter fish help each other in the development of the underwater world. If one of them disappears, then another inhabitant of the underwater world will disappear behind him. This is another evidence that in nature all processes are interconnected.

Dialogues about fishing -122 – Moscow Gorchak


פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

This fish has no commercial value due to the fact that it is small in size, and its meat is bitter. Because of this characteristic taste, it got its name. The presence of bitterness in the meat of the mustard is associated with the algae that this fish feeds on.

In this regard, amateur fishermen do not practice fishing for mustard, and it is not so easy to catch it, especially with an ordinary fishing rod. The fact is that this fish is quite cautious and for catching it you need special gear with a thin line so as not to alert the fish. They catch this fish with other gear only to use it as live bait, to catch predatory fish species.

טייפּס פון זענעפט

פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

To our time, about 20 species of this interesting fish are known. The most famous of them are:

  • Gorchak ordinary, which is common in the reservoirs of some European countries, Belarus, our country and Russia.
  • Gorchak Amur, which inhabits the reservoirs of the Far East.
  • Gorchak Laita. This species lives mainly in the southern regions of China. It can be distinguished from its counterparts by its yellow coloration, as well as the presence of a dark blue spot near the gills.
  • Gorchak ocellar. This fish is distinguished by a golden hue and is found in the reservoirs of South Korea, Vietnam and China.


פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

As a rule, this small fish prefers stagnant or slow-flowing waters. They mainly lead a flocking lifestyle, straying into groups of 60 or more individuals. In such groups, as a rule, there are always more females than males, but during spawning periods, these flocks can mix, which leads to a balance in the number of females and males.

Gorchak is a herbivore fish, therefore it prefers to be at the bottom of the reservoir, where various algae grow. Besides the fact that this fish feeds on these algae, it uses them as a defense against enemies. The fish is quite shy and cautious, which affects its behavior. When attacked by a predator, she can develop a high initial speed, while she deftly dodges the predator’s teeth.

Catching a mustard

פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

Fishing for this fish can be very interesting and reckless, which will require endurance, patience and skill from the angler. He easily pecks at black rye bread. At the same time, he does not swallow the nozzle, but slowly eats it. Therefore, to catch it, it is better to use small hooks that can be disguised as bait.

As a hook attachment, you can use small corn, anise dough, barley, maggot, as well as pieces of an ordinary worm. And yet, bitterness prefers nozzles of plant origin.

The most promising places for catching it are areas where there is practically no current or backwaters, where the presence of aquatic vegetation is noted. In such places, the mustard hides in numerous flocks. Although the bitterling is considered a bottom fish, he chooses shallow areas where there is something to profit from. As a rule, at a considerable depth it is difficult for a bitterling to find food for himself.

The bitterling is caught on an ordinary float rod with a very thin leash and a very sensitive float. In places where roach or bleak are caught, bitterness is also possible. In fact, this is a rarity, since bitterness cannot resist the pressure of roach.

How to prepare bitter

פיש זענעפט: אויסזען, וווין, פישערייַ פֿאַר זענעפט

This fish has a bitter taste. If at least one fish gets into the ear, then it will ruin the dish. Despite the bitter taste, bitter bitter is not considered poisonous and can be eaten if you use one of the recipes. In China, they prefer to eat this fish in a fried form, carefully gutting it and also thoroughly washing it. On the Internet, you can find one very interesting recipe that will help you properly prepare the mustard.

Those who prepare bitter gourd recommend very carefully getting rid of its insides, after which it must be thoroughly washed. In addition, all scales must be removed. After that, the fish is fried in a heated frying pan to the state of chips. Before this, it is better to grease the pan with fat. As a result, fish chips are obtained without the presence of bitterness.

Gorchak, despite its attractive appearance, is not of interest to anglers, because of its bitter taste, and the fish itself is quite small: it is better to purposefully catch bleak, which can be large compared to mustard. Although, if cooked correctly, it can be eaten.

In this regard, most fishermen do not practice catching this fish. In addition, it is not so easy to catch it because it is a cautious and shy fish. If caught on a hook, it is better to use the mustard as bait to catch predatory fish.

It makes no sense to use very thin tackle to catch him, since there is also another, larger fish in the reservoir, which can easily cut off a thin line. Some anglers catch the mustard with a “spider” in order to use it later as a live bait. Catching fish with a “spider” has its own characteristics associated with the design of gear. Along with the mustard, another small fish can also come across, which is also used as live bait. Some anglers purposefully go fishing with a “spider” in order to provide themselves with live bait.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן