
Indeed, it is enough to read erotic novels written by men, our experts say. Why do men choose words that confirm this stereotype of sexuality?

«That’s how men kindle their desire»

Alain Eriel, פּסיכאָאַנאַליסט, סעקסאָלאָגיסט

This is very aptly observed and sometimes, alas, greatly complicates the matter, because women do not particularly like being called a «whore.» But men say this not at all because they want to offend a woman — this is how they kindle their desire.

In addition, in this way they want to separate the image of a woman from the image of a mother. They may say tender words before and after intimacy, but not during orgasmic arousal. Many men are thoroughly mired in their oedipal complex.

«men are afraid to cool their ardor with gentle words»

Mireille Bonierbal, סייקאַטריסט, סעקסאָלאָגיסט

To be convinced of the validity of this opinion, it is enough to read pornographic novels written by men. It’s full of words like «whore» and other rudeness. There are women who agree to play this game and adopt the «male» vocabulary, knowing that men are turned on by such vocabulary.

But for men, it can be difficult to pronounce tenderness during sex, because they are afraid to cool their sexual ardor.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן