קסנומקס יאָרן

קסנומקס יאָרן

זיי רעדן וועגן 50 יאָר ...

« It’s funny, life. When you are a kid, time does not stop dragging, and then overnight, you are like that 50 years old. " דזשין-פּיער דזשעונעט

« At fifty, one oscillates between being well preserved and being beautiful. You might as well cling to being elegant. » Odile Dormeuil

« Fifty years, the age in which many dreams live, an age which is still, if not the prime of life, the age of flowers. » J-Donat Dufour

« Mature age is the most beautiful of all. We are old enough to recognize our mistakes and still young enough to make others. » מאָריס טשעוואַליער

« When I was young, I was told: “You will see when you are fifty”. I’m fifty years old, and I haven’t seen a thing. » Erik Satie

« At fifty-two, it is only happiness and good humor in general that can make a man attractive. ” Jean Dutourd

וואָס טאָן איר שטאַרבן פון ביי 50?

The main causes of death at the age of 50 are cancers at 28%, followed by heart disease at 19%, unintentional injuries (car accidents, falls, etc.) at 10%, heart attacks, chronic respiratory infections, diabetes and liver pathologies.

ביי 50, עס זענען וועגן 28 יאָר צו לעבן פֿאַר מענטשן און 35 יאָר פֿאַר וואָמען. די מאַשמאָעס פון שטאַרבן אין עלטער 50 איז 0,32% פֿאַר וואָמען און 0,52% פֿאַר מענטשן.

92,8% פון מענטשן געבוירן אין די זעלבע יאָר זענען נאָך לעבעדיק אין דעם עלטער און 95,8% פון פרויען.

געשלעכט אין 50

פון די עלטער פון 50, עס איז אַ ביסלעכווייַז אַראָפּגיין אין די וויכטיקייט פון סעקסע אין לעבן. ביאָלאָגיקאַללי, אָבער, עלטערע מענטשן קענען פאָרזעצן זייער געשלעכט אַקטיוויטעטן, אָבער אין אַלגעמיין טאָן דאָס מיט ווייניקער צייט. אָפטקייַט. " Studies show that 50 to 70 year olds who continue to מאַכן ליבע אָדער צו מאַסטורבאַטע regularly live older, healthier and happier! », Insists Yvon Dallaire. This could be explained physiologically, but also psychologically because the body continues to have pleasure.

In fact, in their fifties, many women at the dawn of מענאַפּאַוז, and seeing their bodies wither, feel less דיזייראַבאַל. אין די זעלבע צייט, לאַבידאָו of men and their genital performance can be greatly reduced. Some women may think that it may be because they are less beautiful and attractive. They can, however, continue to be sexually active and thus maintain סעקשואַלאַטי פון די פּאָר. די פרוי מוז, למשל, פאַרשטיין, אַז פון איצט און ווייטער מוז זי ביישטייערן מער צו סטימולירן ירעקשאַן פון זיין שוטעף וואָס ניט מער אַקערז "אויטאמאטיש" ווי אין 20 יאָר אַלט. אין דערצו, ווען מען דערפאַרונג אַ לאַנג צייַט פון געשלעכט אַבסטאַנאַנס, עס איז מער שווער, פיזיקלי און גייַסטיק, צו צוריקקומען צו אַן אַקטיוו געשלעכט לעבן.

For the man, before turning to the medication, it is better to tame the idea that his erections are now longer to obtain, that he needs more סטימיאַליישאַן, און אַז ער ניט מער צו דערגרייכן אָרגאַזם יעדער מאָל. אַקסעפּטינג דעם מינאַמייזיז די דייַגעס וואָס איז דער וואָרצל פון רובֿ פסיכאלאגישן ערעקטילע שוועריקייטן. און די פאַרווייַלונג קענען צוריקקומען צו די אַפּוינטמאַנט.

גינעקאָלאָגי 50

The age of menopause is coming and many women still believe that gynecological follow-up is no longer necessary once menopausal. However, it is from the age of 50 that the risk of cancer increases significantly, hence the establishment of free screening campaigns. ברוסט ראַק from that age. Particular surveillance is also required to detect possible cancer of the cervix.

In addition to the gynecological examination, it necessarily includes palpation of the breasts. This examination, which requires method or experimentation, makes it possible to check the flexibility of the tissue, of the mammary gland and to detect any abnormalities. In general, gynecological surveillance should include a מאַממאָגראַפי screening every two years between 50 and 74 years.

The remarkable points of the fifties

ביי 50, מיר וואָלט האָבן וועגן פופצן פריינט אַז איר קענען טאַקע רעכענען אויף. פֿון די עלטער פון 70, דאָס פאלט צו 10, און לעסאָף פאַלן צו 5 בלויז נאָך 80 יאָר.

After the age of 50, it is imperative to undergo a screening test צווייפּינטל ראַק. If 60% of people aged 50 to 74 had such a test every 2 years, it is estimated that the number of deaths from colorectal cancer could be reduced by 15% to 18%.

In France, women gain an average of 7,5 kg between the ages of 20 and 50. From the age of 50, this tends to stabilize until the age of 65, when the weight decreases.

די עלטער פון קסנומקס יאָרן report, the levels of lowest life satisfaction. The men in this group are even less satisfied than the women. This age group also has a higher level of anxiety. One possible reason, the researchers said, is that people in this age group nowadays often have to take care of both their children and their aging parents. In addition, the difficulty of finding a balance between work and family life, with the fatigue that accumulates, could also be an explanatory factor. Patience, it is between the ages of 60 and 65 that men and women say they are the happiest in their life!

At 50 years old, half of men have pronounced baldness. Women are less likely to suffer from it, even if they are still nearly 40% to know it at the age of 70 years: the whole of the hair of the top of the head then becomes more and more sparse.

It is from the age of 50 that the hair turns gray more quickly. It seems that the phenomenon starts earlier in people with dark hair, but the hair turns completely gray more quickly in people with light hair.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן