רויט שירעם (Chlorophyllum rhacodes)

  • אָפּטייל: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • סאַבדיוויזשאַן: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • קלאַס: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • סובקלאַס: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • סדר: אַגאַריקלעס (אַגאַריק אָדער לאַמעללער)
  • משפּחה: שאַמפּיניאָן (Agaricaceae)
  • מין: Chlorophyllum (Chlorophyllum)
  • טיפּ: Chlorophyllum rhacodes (Blushing Umbrella)
  • Umbrella shaggy
  • Lepiota rhacodes
  • מאַקראָלעפּיאָטאַ רהאַקאָדעס
  • lepiota rachodes
  • Macrolepiota rachodes
  • Chlorophyllum rachodes

The traditional, long-described species of Macrolepiota rhacodes is now not only renamed Chlorophyllum rhacodes, it is divided into three separate species. These are, in fact, Chlorophyllum blushing (aka Reddening Umbrella), Chlorophyllum Olivier (Chlorophyllum olivieri) and Chlorophyllum dark brown (Chlorophyllum brunneum).

Modern titles:

Macrolepiota rachodes var. bohemica = Chlorophyllum rachodes

Macrolepiota rachodes var. rachodes = Chlorophyllum olivieri

Macrolepiota rachodes var. hortensis = Chlorophyllum brunneum

קאָפּ: diameter from 10-15 cm (up to 25), first ovoid or spherical, then hemispherical, umbrella-shaped. The color of the cap of young mushrooms is brown, with various shades, the caps are smooth. Adult specimens are densely covered with tiled scales of brownish, brownish or brown color. In the center, the cap is darker, without scales. The skin under the scales is white.

פּלייץ: Free, frequent, with plates of different lengths. White, creamy white, then with a reddish or pale brownish tint.

פוס: Long, up to 20 cm, 1-2 cm in diameter, strongly thickened at the bottom when young, then cylindrical, with a pronounced tuberous base, hollow, fibrous, smooth, gray-brown. It is often deeply embedded in the litter.

קלינגען: not wide, double, mobile in adults, whitish above and brownish below.

פּאַפּ: white, thick, becomes wadded with age, deep reddens when cut, especially in young umbels. In the leg – fibrous.

שמעקן און געשמאַק: weak, pleasant.

כעמישער ריאַקשאַנז: KOH negative on cap surface or pinkish (brown patches). Negative for ammonia on the cap surface.

ספּאָר פּודער: ווייַס.

דיספּיוץ: 8–12 x 5–8 µm, ellipsoid, subamygdaloidal or ellipsoid with a truncated end, smooth, smooth, hyaline in KOH.

The reddening umbrella grows from July to the end of October in coniferous and mixed forests, often adjacent to anthills, grows in glades and lawns. During the period of abundant fruiting (usually the end of August) it can grow in very large groups. It can bear fruit abundantly in October-November, during the period of “late mushrooms”.

Reddening chlorophyllum is an edible mushroom. Usually only fully opened hats are harvested.

Chlorophyllum Olivier (Chlorophyllum olivieri)

Differs in more fibrous even between the scales, pinkish or creamy skin on the cap, between contrasting brownish scales dense at the ends. When cut, the flesh takes on a slightly different color, first becoming orange-saffron-yellow, then turning pink, and finally red-brown, but these subtleties are only visible in fairly young mushrooms.

Chlorophyllum טונקל ברוין (Chlorophyllum brunneum)

עס דיפערז אין די פאָרעם פון די טיקנינג אין די באַזע פון ​​די פוס, עס איז זייער שאַרף, "קיל". אויף די שנייַדן, די פלייש אַקווייערז אַ מער בראַוניש טינט. די רינג איז דין, איין. די שוועמל איז געהאלטן ינעדאַבאַל און אפילו (אין עטלעכע קוואלן) סאַמיק.

שירעם מאָטליי (Macrolepiota procera)

Has a higher leg. The leg is covered with a pattern of the finest scales. The flesh of the variegated umbrella never changes color when cut: it does not turn red, does not turn orange or brown. Of all the edible umbrella mushrooms, it is the variegated umbrella that is considered the most delicious. Collect only hats.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן