שפּיץ 3 רעסאַפּיז פֿאַר ייסינג יסטער קייקס

The holiday of Holy Easter is honored in every family, they bake Easter, paint eggs, prepare special dishes. The main symbol of this holiday is, of course, Easter baking. And we have prepared three of the most popular and most used recipes for icing Easter cakes.

protein glaze

  • 1 פּראָטעין
  • ½ טעפּל קאַסטער צוקער
  • ½ לעפעלע לימענע זאַפט

Whip the protein into a strong foam, add the powdered sugar in parts, whisk thoroughly each time, when the mass becomes dense and shiny, add lemon juice and beat for a minute or two.

שאָקאָלאַד גלייז

  • 100 g dark or milk chocolate
  • 20 gr. milk
  • 50 סי. פּוטער

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and heat over low heat, mix until smooth and smooth – the glaze is ready.


  • 1 גלאז פון פּאַודערד צוקער
  • 4 טייבאַלספּונז וואַרעם וואַסער
  • food coloring optional

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and heat a little, all the ingredients should mix well. If the icing is too thick, add a little water, and if it’s too thin, add powdered sugar.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן