שוואַנגער, מיר נעמען קעיר פון אונדזער ציין!

Is “a child, a tooth” still relevant today?

Hopefully not ! (Otherwise we would all be toothless at 50!) However, it is true that pregnancy affects the oral state of the mother-to-be. The hormonal upheaval of these nine months, combined with changes in immunology and changes in saliva, increases the risk inflammation of the gum (hence the appearance of small bleeding in some). If there is pre-existing gum disease, it can be exacerbated by pregnancy, and even more so in the presence of dental plaque. To be on the safe side, make an appointment with your dentist for a טשעק אַרויף from the desire for pregnancy.


Can a gum infection have an impact on pregnancy?

“Future mothers who present a untreated gum infection are at higher risk of pregnancy complications, ”says dentist Dr. Huck. In particular, premature delivery or low weight babies. The explanation? Bacteria and certain inflammation mediators, which are present in גומע קרענק, can spread to the fetus and placenta via the bloodstream. Immature fetal defenses associated with less effective maternal immunity during pregnancy “boost” the process.

To treat cavities, can I benefit from local anesthesia?

עס איז no contradiction to local anesthesia. The important thing is that the dentist adapts the products and the doses to your state of pregnancy. Do not forget to tell him that you are pregnant! In practice, for the comfort of the mother-to-be, we prefer to postpone long, non-urgent care spread over several sessions after childbirth.

>>>>> צו לייענען אויך:שוואַנגערשאַפט: ספּאָרט, סאָנאַ, כאַמאַם, הייס וואַנע ... זענען מיר ענטייטאַלד צו עס אָדער נישט?

The dentist must give me a dental x-ray, is it safe?

The radio exposes to the rays, but פאלט נישט אריין אין פאניק ! If this is done in the mouth, so far from the uterus, the doses received are extremely weak, “Lower than when you walk in the street,” says Dr Huck! No risk therefore for the development of the baby: you will therefore not need the famous lead apron.


In which quarter is it recommended to go to the dentist instead?

The ideal, in terms of comfort for the mother, is to schedule the appointment between the 4th and the 7th month. It is also from the fourth month that you can benefit from a מויל דורכקוק 100% covered by health insurance. Before, one can feel nausea or hypersalivation which can make the care painful.

The last two months, moms are often embarrassed by their belly and can only stand the supine position for a short time. However, in case of pain or doubts about your oral health, do not hesitate to consult at any time during pregnancy.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן