People at risk, risk factors and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism, arthritis)

People at risk, risk factors and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism, arthritis)

מענטשן אין ריזיקירן

  • The women. They are 2 to 3 times more affected than men;
  • People between 40 and 60 years old, the most frequent age of onset;
  • People with a family member suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, as certain genetic factors contribute to the onset of the disease. Having a parent with the condition doubles the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

ריזיקירן סיבות

  • Smokers are at greater risk47 to one day suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, with symptoms more severe than average. See our Smoking sheet.


  • People with positive rheumatoid factor or positive citrulline peptides in a blood test have a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Women who have had many pregnancies or who have taken hormonal contraception for a long time have their risk of rheumatoid arthritis reduced.


קענען מיר פאַרמייַדן?

There are few ways to prevent the onset of rheumatoid arthritis.

Do not smoke and do not expose yourself to second-hand smoke is, for the moment, the best prevention. When a person of close family suffers from this disease, it is strongly advised to avoid smoking.

Measures to prevent or reduce joint pain

See the Arthritis fact sheet for tips that can help reduce pain as a preventive measure. For example, we must aim for a good balance between rest and physical activity, and we can apply in case of crisis of heat or cold on the joints.

ווי די רהעומאַטאָיד אַרטריט often affects the fingers and wrists, it can cause significant discomfort in everyday life. Hand exercises, performed as directed by a doctor or physiotherapist, should be done daily to limit joint stiffness and improve muscle strength. However, in case of severe pain, do not use force, as this may worsen the inflammation.

Certain actions must be avoided, in particular those which risk accelerating the deformation of the joints. For people who work at the computer, for example, it is necessary to ensure that the hand remains in the axis of the wrist. It is also not recommended to carry heavy saucepans by the handle or to force with the wrist to unscrew a lid.


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