ניו 2020: קענען מיר דערוואַרטן מיראַקאַלז דערפון?

Consciously or not, many of us attach special importance to numbers. We have lucky numbers, we kiss three times, we think that we need to measure seven times. Is this belief justified or not? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. But you can look to the future with optimism and believe that the new “beautiful” year will be happy.

Agree, there is a special beauty in numbers. And it is felt not only by doctors of mathematical sciences. Children eat “happy” bus tickets, adults choose “pretty” numbers for a car and a cell phone. Many of us have a favorite number that brings good luck. The belief that numbers have power was shared by the greatest minds of different eras: Pythagoras, Diogenes, Augustine the Blessed.

The magic of “beautiful” numbers

“Esoteric teachings about numbers (for example, Pythagoreanism and medieval numerology) were born from the desire to find universal patterns that underlie being. Their followers strove for a deeper understanding of the world. This was a stage in the development of science, which then took a different path,” notes the Jungian analyst Lev Khegay.

What happens to us here and now? “Each New Year gives us hope that life will change for the better with the chimes. And signs, signals, signs help to strengthen this hope. The coming year, in the number of which rhythm and symmetry are felt, in our opinion, simply must be successful!” jokes Anastasia Zagryadskaya, a business psychologist.

Without insisting on the predictive power of numbers, we still notice their beauty.

Is there “number magic” somewhere other than our imagination? “I don’t believe in it,” says Lev Khegay firmly. – But some are entertained by “mind games”, attributing unreasonable meanings to some phenomenon. If this is not a game, then we are dealing with magical thinking, which is based on the anxiety of being helpless in an unpredictable world. As compensation, an unconscious fantasy may develop about the possession of some kind of “secret knowledge”, allegedly giving control over reality.

We know that illusions are dangerous: they prevent us from acting on the basis of real, not invented conditions. But is the hope that everything will be fine, harmful? “Of course, the belief in the strength of numbers does not pass the test of reality,” agrees Anastasia Zagryadskaya. “But for some, it has a positive effect, because no one has canceled the placebo effect.”

Without insisting on the predictive power of numbers, we still notice their beauty. Will she help us? We’ll see! The future is near.

What brings us a “beautiful” year

No need to guess on the coffee grounds to look into the future with one eye. Something we know about the coming year is absolutely accurate.

Let’s enjoy sports

In the summer, we will cling to the screens to enjoy the first sports festival of the new decade: on July 24, the XXXII Summer Olympic Games will start in Tokyo. It is not yet clear whether the national team will perform under the Russian tricolor or under the neutral Olympic flag, but strong emotions are guaranteed to us, the spectators, in any case.

We are all counted

The All-Russian population census will take place in October 2020. The last time Russians were counted was in 2010, and then 142 people lived in our country. Of particular interest is traditionally the content of the column “nationality”. During previous surveys, some compatriots called themselves “Martians”, “hobbits” and “Soviet people”. We are waiting for the appearance in the lists of “white walkers”, “fixies” and other bizarre self-names!

We will celebrate

In December 2005, the first issue of Psychologies was published in Russia. Much has changed since then, but the slogan of our publication – “Find yourself and live better” – remains unchanged. So, we will be 15 years old and we will definitely celebrate it!

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן