מיטס און פאַקס וועגן קאַרבאָוכיידרייץ

There are many myths about carbohydrates. Some consider them the main cause of obesity, others undeservedly associate it with sugar.

Here are some common myths about carbohydrates.

The first myth: Honey is healthier than sugar

From the point of view of nutrition all sugars are exactly the same. Brown sugar, raw sugar, cane sugar and honey can not be called more dietician products than regular refined sugar.

Due to the high content of mineral substances and enzymes of the honey is really healthier than refined sugar. However, it also suffers from excess sugar calories.

You should not be fooled by the fact that in 100 g of honey there is 72 kcal less than in the sugar cubes. In the honey there is about 20 percent of water, which means that the sugar in it is just watered down.

דו זאלסט נישט פאַרגעסן אַז heat treatment negates the beneficial properties of honey. So, for example, honey cakes is the most common sweet food.

The second myth: In foods of plant origin are low in carbohydrates

Do not forget about the existence of such a valuable source of vegetable protein, like beans. In food value it is almost equal to animal protein. And soy, scientists have recently recognized a perfect composition of a vegetable substitute for meat.

Along with protein foods – foods of plant origins supply the body with valuable fiber, which permanently maintains the feeling of satiety and stimulates the bowels.

The third myth: all dairy products are loaded with carbs!

Indeed, milk contains carbohydrate which is the disaccharide lactose, which is under the action of the enzyme lactase converts into galactose. It is very easily digested and quickly enters the blood.

However, 100 g of normal whole milk contains only 4.7 g of carbohydrates. And its calorie content is not more than 60 kcal per 100 g. Those who are afraid of an excess of carbohydrates in the diet should not be scared of milk.

By the way, milk is useful not only because of carbohydrates shortage, but also because the presence of calcium, which is easy to digest.

The fourth myth: Whole grains are for diabetics and dieters

Whole grain is an important part of any healthy diet. Due to the high content of fiber the whole grain foods help to make it from Breakfast to lunch without a snack of dubious pie.

In addition, these products contain b vitamins, antioxidants and protein.

No need to buy the granulated bran in the departments for diabetic food. Please note whole wheat bread, brown rice and cereals. If you are tired of oatmeal, try fashionable bulgur or couscous.

The fifth myth: “one Apple per day replace doctors”

The popular English proverb “One apple a day keeps the doctor away” successfully take root around the world.

Unfortunately, one Apple a day is not enough. Nutritionists recommend eating at least five fruits a day. The total amount of food of plant origin shall not be less than 500 g.

Preference should be given to dishes of foods with a low glycemic index. Another important recommendation is to avoid excess fat: choose baked potatoes instead of drowned in oil in a skillet.

די מערסט וויכטיק

Carbohydrates are an essential component of a healthy diet. An excess of carbohydrates, especially at the expense of added sugar leads to weight gain and the development of dangerous diseases.

But you should not abandon whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. They supply vitamins, proteins and fibers and are of moderate calorie.

More myths about carbohydrates watch in the video below:

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן