מעדיציניש טריטמאַנץ פֿאַר דזשוווענילע אַרטריט

מעדיציניש טריטמאַנץ פֿאַר דזשוווענילע אַרטריט

According to the Arthritis Society, “There is no cure yet for juvenile arthritis. However, there are drugs that can פאַרקלענערן אָנצינדונג caused by arthritis and therefore can improve the effectiveness of exercise programs and minimize permanent joint damage. »It is generally necessary some months before the drugs take effect.

The drugs used are of the same type as those indicated for rheumatoid arthritis. Some have the effect of decrease symptoms (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids), while others slow the progression of the disease (long-term anti-rheumatic drugs).

Note that, for children, a large place is also given to ריכאַבילאַטיישאַן עקסערסייזיז : with an occupational therapist or physiotherapist, an exercise plan is defined to ensure harmonious growth און מוסקל אַנטוויקלונג, as well as to avoid the loss ofבאַוועגונג קייט און שאָדן ou permanent deformations. It is sometimes indicated to carry out exercises in hot water (balneotherapy). In some cases, ספּלינץ are used to support the joints (day or night) to prevent them from being too stressed.

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