Kickbox FastFix: קלאסן קיקקבאָקסינג פֿאַר אַ פול גוף Jillian Michaels

Kickbox FastFix is a fat-burning cardio workout from Jillian Michaels based on the exercises from kickboxing. Classes are performed in a rapid pace will help you to get rid of excess fat and lose weight.

Kickbox FastFix will suit those looking for a short and gentle cardio workout. It will be a great preparatory step to the more complex and efficient the program “speed up your metabolism” from Jillian Michaels. Aerobic exercises are one of the most important factors in weight loss, so Kickbox FastFix will help you lose weight and burn excess fat.

פֿאַר ווערקאַוץ אין שטוב מיר רעקאָמענדירן צו זען די פאלגענדע אַרטיקל:

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About the program Jillian Michaels – Kickbox FastFix

Kickboxing is a sport combat, have become the Foundation of many fitness programs. Jillian Michaels has created an aerobic course that uses the elements of this sport. Do not be afraid, the program is quite gentle, therefore can be done by even beginners. Training is not abound hopping exercises cardio-the load is achieved by elements of kickboxing: swings hands and feet. For occupations traditionally need a gym Mat and dumbbells from 1 kg.

The course consists of three training sessions, lasting 20-25 minutes with the hitch and workout. This is the short lesson, Gillian! However, the effectiveness of Kickbox FastFix is achieved by a high pulse which lasts for the whole workout. Cardio-loading is a necessary component of your fitness plan if you have excess weight. Some static exercises to burn fat is impossible. Kickboxing also perfect for those who are not yet ready to perform more challenging cardio workout for advanced.

Compilation of videos from Chloe ting for advanced

In the first session of the course you train Kickbox FastFix upper body (arms, chest, shoulders), and secondly you’ll exercises for buttocks and feet, in the third — press. However, strength exercises are used more as add-ons, diluting the main aerobic part of the program. You can train every day, alternating training between them. Or add them to other complexes Gillian, as the optional cardio. Program Jillian Michaels is very good to combine with each other, creating your own individual plan.

The advantages of the program Kickbox FastFix:

  1. From kickboxing Jillian Michaels — cardio-exercise, which is probably the most important element in the process of weight loss.
  2. In the program, through the use of exercises from kickboxing, not so many jumps. So your knees will be safe (although sneakers is still necessary).
  3. Gillian is very evenly distributed load: in the first lesson you train the upper body, second lower, third press. All this is accompanied by aerobic exercises.
  4. Each workout lasts only 20 minutes, but during this time, you burn about 200-300 calories.
  5. You can do the program Kickbox FastFix, alternating between the three workouts together. And you can add these short classes to other half-hour video from Jillian.
  6. The program includes a small introduction to proper exercise technique.

Cons program Kickbox FastFix:

  1. קיין רוסיש איבערזעצונג פון דעם פּראָגראַם.
  2. The program uses many unconventional exercises and ligaments due to the use of elements of martial arts.

מיר רעקאָמענדירן איר צו לייענען:

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