גענעטיקיסט: מיר קענען דערוואַרטן אַרויף צו נאָך 40. דעטס רעכט צו COVID-19
קאָראָנאַווירוס וואָס איר דאַרפֿן צו וויסן קאָראָנאַווירוס אין פוילן קאָראָנאַווירוס אין אייראָפּע קאָראָנאַווירוס אין דער וועלט גייד מאַפּע אָפט געשטעלטע פֿראגן #לאָמיר רעדן וועגן

Low immunization against SARS-CoV-2, which today is less than half the population, means that the level of herd immunity is grossly low, giving no chance for a smooth transition through the fourth COVID-19 wave, which we are already in, writes Prof. Andrzej Pławski, head of the Innovative Medical Center at the Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań.

  1. The number of coronavirus infections in Poland is growing
  2. The percentage of fully vaccinated people in our country has been increasing very slowly over the past few weeks. Currently, it is around 50 percent.
  3. According to the geneticist prof. Andrzej Pławski from the Polish Academy of Sciences, we can even share another 40 thousand. deaths due to COVID-19
  4. Below we present the full text prepared by the Innovative Medical Center at the Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań with the COVID-19 Laboratory
  5. מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע קענען זיין געפֿונען אויף די אָנעט האָמעפּאַגע.

Coronavirus in Poland. There are tens of thousands of infections ahead of us

Since the beginning of the pandemic, almost 3 million infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been confirmed in Poland. Approx. 19 people have died due to COVID-76. people. The autumn wave of the epidemic is becoming an inevitable fact, which is reflected in the increased scale of the disease. We are currently observing a change in the trend of the disease from a stable one, which we had to deal with until mid-September this year, to a more dynamic one.

  1. אַנאַסטיזיאַלאַדזשאַסט: אַנוואַקסינאַטעד, יונג מענטשן אָן קיין אנדערע חולאתן דאָמינירן אין אינטענסיווע זאָרגן

This is the result of: intensification of social contacts during the holiday and vacation period, return of children and adolescents to schools, where the risk of infection and reinfection is significantly increased, frostbite to the economy, and thus return to the “normal” work mode, increasing contacts between employees, low social discipline in the application of measures to prevent transmission of infection.

די רעשט פון די טעקסט איז אונטער די ווידעא.

Observing the dynamics of the epidemic, we can see that the current trend of cases is characterized by an exponential increase in the number of new cases detected, which may lead to a number reaching thousands a day at the turn of September / October this year, and then even tens of thousands over time.

One quarter of Poles are not protected against COVID-19

We estimate that as many as about a quarter of Poles are not protected by any antibodies produced as a result of vaccination or COVID-19 disease. This segment of the population will play a key role in the fall wave of disease and disease transmission. There is an increased share of the Delta variant of the coronavirus among the infected. People vaccinated with the vaccines used in Poland acquired immunity to this variant, and the earlier infection with the Alpha variant activated the immune system to fight the Delta variant as well.

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Pławski

Head of the Innovative Medical Center at the Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Doctor and scientist. In his research, he focuses mainly on issues related to the study of hereditary predisposition to cancer of the digestive system. She also studies the conditions for the occurrence of inflammatory bowel diseases and the individualization of treatment of these diseases.

It should be noted, however, that the fourth wave of cases that is just beginning will probably have a different dynamics than the third wave: it can be expected that the incidence curve will be more flattened, growing more slowly, and at the same time more stretched over time. This is due to the acquisition of immunity by part of the population as a result of vaccination, and immunity built on previous infection. This does not change the fact that we can predict even another 40. deaths due to COVID-19!

  1. ווער קען זיין וואַקסאַנייטיד מיט די דריט דאָזע פון ​​די COVID-19 וואַקצין? ווו צו צולייגן [מיר דערקלערן]

Low vaccination coverage with SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, currently less than half of the population, means that the level of herd immunity is abnormally low, giving no chance of a smooth transition through the fourth COVID-19 wave. Only a rapid increase in the number of people vaccinated can save us from further overburdening the already inefficient public health system.

Vaccinations for COVID-19 and the flu are imperative

A rational policy in the field of public health is also necessary, for example, by promoting restrictive enforcement of vaccination certificates or introducing mandatory vaccination for certain groups. The issue of the health safety of Poles should not be left solely to the personal choice of individuals, as the health of the entire society is at stake, not only in terms of the incidence of COVID-19.

  1. "דגפּ". וידעפדיק דעטס אין די COVID-19 פּאַנדעמיק. פוילן אין צווייט אָרט אין אייראָפּע

The fourth wave of COVID-19 is likely to coincide with the beginning of the annual flu season. This means that there is an urgent need to vaccinate with influenza vaccines, which entails the need for rapid differential diagnosis of both diseases. The Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences is ready to undertake such a task on a large scale using its own diagnostic tools developed and already implemented in practice.

צי איר ווילן צו פּרובירן דיין COVID-19 ימיונאַטי נאָך וואַקסאַניישאַן? האָבן איר שוין ינפעקטאַד און ווילן צו קאָנטראָלירן דיין אַנטיבאָדי לעוועלס? זען די COVID-19 ימיונאַטי פּרובירן פּעקל, וואָס איר וועט דורכפירן ביי דיאַגנאָסטיקס נעץ פונקטן.

The Wielkopolskie Voivodeship is not currently at the forefront of infections in Poland, 22 infections were observed in the entire voivodship on September 51nd. As in the rest of the country, the Delta variant dominates in Greater Poland. According to the GISAID database, no other variant than delta was found in Wielkopolska in the last month, and only single cases in the whole country are not delta variants.

אויך לייענען:

  1. דאָס איז ווי די קאָראָנאַווירוס אַרבעט אויף די געדערעם. פּאָקאָוויד יראַטאַבאַל באָוועל סינדראָום. סימפּטאָמס
  2. דע ר דאקטא ר אפשאצ ט ד י וואקסינאציע־קאמפאני ע אי ן פוילן : מי ר האב ן דורכגעפאלן . און ער גיט צוויי הויפּט סיבות
  3. וואַקסאַניישאַן קעגן COVID-19 ינקריסאַז די ריזיקירן פון אַ האַרץ אַטאַק. אמת אָדער פאַלש?
  4. ווי פיל ריזיקירן זענען די אַנוואַקסינאַטעד קעגן COVID-19? די CDC איז פּשוט
  5. דיסטורבינג סימפּטאָמס אין קאַנוואַלעסענץ. וואָס צו באַצאָלן ופמערקזאַמקייַט, וואָס צו טאָן? דאקטוירים באשאפן אַ פירער

דער אינהאַלט פון די MedTvoiLokony וועבזייטל איז בדעה צו פֿאַרבעסערן, ניט פאַרבייַטן, די קאָנטאַקט צווישן די וועבזייטל באַניצער און זייער דאָקטער. דער וועבזייטל איז בדעה בלויז פֿאַר ינפאָרמיישאַנאַל און בילדונגקרייז צוועקן. איידער איר נאָכפאָלגן די מומכע וויסן, ספּעציעל מעדיציניש עצה, קאַנטיינד אויף אונדזער וועבזייטל, איר מוזן באַראַטנ אַ דאָקטער. דער אַדמיניסטראַטאָר טוט נישט טראָגן קיין קאַנסאַקווענסאַז ריזאַלטינג פון די נוצן פון אינפֿאָרמאַציע קאַנטיינד אויף די וועבזייטל. צי איר דאַרפֿן אַ מעדיציניש באַראַטונג אָדער אַן E- רעצעפּט? גיין צו halodoctor.pl, ווו איר וועט באַקומען אָנליין הילף - געשווינד, בעשאָלעם און אָן פאַרלאָזן דיין היים.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן