געניטונג מיט דעניס אַוסטין פֿאַר אַלע פּראָבלעם געביטן מיט אַ יאָגאַ פּילקע

Tired of flabby arms, the sagging abdomen and cellulite on the thighs? It’s time to improve your shape! Workout Denise Austin to work on problem areas with fitball will be able to help you with this.

With an effective workout from Denise Austin for all problem areas you will be able to change your body by making it slim and attractive. A set of exercises will help you to acquire slim legs, toned arms, a flat stomach and thin waist.

פֿאַר ווערקאַוץ אין שטוב מיר רעקאָמענדירן צו זען די פאלגענדע אַרטיקל:

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Description of workout Denise Austin: Sexy Abs & Weight Loss

Almost every girl is dissatisfied with any part of his body. It can be buttocks, thighs, arms, stomach or hips. Denise offers to forget about problem zones due to the complex of exercises for all muscle groups. You will work on creating a neat and elastic forms, performing simple exercises with dumbbells and fitball. Workout from Denise Austin is a simple and effective way to attain your dream figure.

The program lasts 40 minutes and consists of two parts of 20 minutes each:

  • The first part is devoted to the abdominal muscles, upper and lower body. You will perform basic exercises with dumbbells for shaping a slender figure.
  • In the second part of the lesson you will continue to strengthen the muscles, but using the fitball. Gymnastic ball helps to increase the load and trip bonאַ פיל גרעסערע נומער פון מאַסאַלז.

For classes you will need a fitball, a pair of dumbbells and a Mat on the floor. Denise Austin advises is to take the dumbbells from 0.5 to 1.5 kg (for beginners it is better to stay at the minimum weight). The entire second half of the program takes place with a yoga ball, but the coach said that you can do without it. In this case, exercise a little modifierade, but the exercise of it does not suffer. The complex is suitable both for beginners and for people with an average preparation. However, if you compare programs with Jillian Michaels, Denise offers a much more benign load.

די אַדוואַנטידזשיז פון די פּראָגראַם:

  1. Denise picked up the most useful exercise for all problem areas: arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs. Step by step you’ll aspire to your dream body.
  2. All the exercises are very simple, complex combinations and bundles are excluded. In addition, the coach explains in detail what muscles do you work in a given time.
  3. Workout with Denise Austin is at a slow pace, you will be extremely focused on every movement. No explosive loads, only focused work on the muscles.
  4. The program is suitable for beginners, Denise offers a very affordable load. This complex can be performed as preparatory to the execution of the “No problem areas” with Jillian Michaels.
  5. Exercises on the fitball uses the maximum number of the muscles, due to better amplitudes movements. This will allow you to exercise more effectively.
  6. Video course translated into the Russian language, so you don’t miss any helpful advice from the coach.


  1. If you want to not only strengthen muscles, but to burn fat, it is better to combine this program with aerobic load. See, for example: Top 10 home cardio workouts for 30 minutes.
  2. For classes you will need a fitball (although if you want you can well do without it).
Sexy Abs & Weight Loss Stability Ball Workout: Denise Austin

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