לאַנד היץ: טאַנצן איר קענען פאַרלירן וואָג מיט האַרבסט קאַלאַברעסע

Missed training with Autumn Calabrese? Then try a dance program Country Heat from BeachBody, with the help of which you will be able to burn calories and lose weight without intense impact loads.

Program Country Heat not only will you be able to effectively get rid of excess weight, but also get incredible fun. Dance workout country style will put you in a good mood for the whole day. Autumn Calabrese offers choreography, with which to handle even a totally non-dancing people. The program is suitable also for those who do not like shock loads and wants to get in shape without crazy intense classes.

פֿאַר ווערקאַוץ אין שטוב מיר רעקאָמענדירן צו זען די פאלגענדע אַרטיקל:

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Program description Country Heat

In the Country Heat entered 6 dance cardio workouts lasting 30 minutes:

  • לאַנד סווינג
  • גידי אַרויף
  • אַראָפּ און גראָב
  • ברענגען די היץ
  • Trail Ride
  • Dance Conditioning

For all exercises, except for the Dance Conditioning, accompanied by preparatory video (Breakdown), with which you will learn dance moves. You can replay these videos as many times as necessary to learn choreography. And be able to start basic training (Routine), without the preparatory phase.

Also the program includes several bonus dance video:

  • Cardio Round Up (27 minutes)
  • Night Crawl (4 minutes)
  • Saddle Up Breakdown (11 minutes)
  • Wild Goose Chase (27 minutes)

To programme Country Heat is also a training calendar. The plan is for 30 days, with one day off a week on Sunday. You will do 30 minutes a day, except on Tuesday and Saturday (starting from the second week, these days you are waiting for the hour lesson). The calendar includes only basic exercises, so the bonus video can be added to any day at your discretion. You can do a monthly plan, and can choose between private lessons and execute them in time.

Country Heat rate calculated on the average level of training. For classes you will not need additional equipment. Also to run the program do not need to have dance skills, all the movements are simple and straightforward. Regardless of whether you pass the whole cottage or will carry out a separate exercise, Country Heat will be a great addition to your home programs.

די אַדוואַנטידזשיז פון די פּראָגראַם:

  1. Country Heat is a complex fat-burning workouts that help you lose weight, reduce volume and tighten the body. Do just half an hour a day and get great results after only a month of training.
  2. You can lose weight by dancing energetic dances with Autumn Calabrese. Waiting for you incendiary music, fun country rhythms, simple movement, and only the positive mood every training day!
  3. The complex includes several different video will you be doing on the finished calendar for 30 days.
  4. Each half hour video is included a small training session, where a detailed analysis of each movement. If you do not want to examine the traffic on the move during training, then first complete video Breakdown, where Autumn Calabrese explains in detail the choreography of the dance.
  5. Don’t have to have dance and even fitness experience. The program can be implemented “from scratch”, not having even the basic dance skills. One of the girls shows a lightweight version of movement, so with the course and cope beginner.
  6. איר וועט ניט דאַרפֿן נאָך ויסריכט.


  1. Dance workout is a unique fitness trend that not everyone will like.
  2. If you experienced involved in, the training of the Country Heat will fit you just as diversity and to enhance the mood, but not for the result.
Country Heat - the New cardio-dance workout from Beachbody!

Program Country Heat not only will you be able to burn calories and lose weight, but also get positive mood for the whole day. Enjoy dance workouts catchy country rhythms together with coach Autumn Calabrese!

זען אויך:

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן