Hericium coralloides

  • אָפּטייל: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • סאַבדיוויזשאַן: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • קלאַס: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • סובקלאַס: Incertae sedis (פון ומזיכער שטעלע)
  • סדר: Russulales (Russulovye)
  • משפּחה: Hericaceae (Hericaceae)
  • מין: Hericium (Hericium)
  • טיפּ: Hericium coralloides
  • Coral mushroom
  • Blackberry lattice
  • Hericium branched
  • Hericium coral
  • Hericium coral
  • Hericium ethmoid

קאָראַל העדגעהאָג (Hericium coralloides) פאָטאָ און באַשרייַבונג

פרוכט גוף

Bushy, branched, 5-15 (20) cm in size, white or cream, with long (0,5-2 cm) thick, even or curved, brittle spines.


ספּאָר פּודער איז ווייַס.


Elastic, fibrous, white with a pleasant mushroom smell, later hard.


Hedgehog coral grows from early July to mid-September on stumps and deadwood of hardwoods (aspen, oak, more often birch), singly, very rarely. Coral hedgehog is a rare or even very rare mushroom.

Considered an edible mushroom.

ענלעך מינים: Coral hedgehog is not like any other mushroom. That’s the idea.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן