בעיבי אַוואַקענינג: די בענעפיץ פון ספּאָרט

בעיבי אַוואַקענינג: די בענעפיץ פון ספּאָרט

A baby is full of energy. Baby sport allows baby to discover his body and space. It thus develops motor skills and interactivity. The children’s gym adapts to the capacities of the little one. The departments allocate subsidies to different sports disciplines, in particular baby sports, allowing the youngest to wake up.

Sport, good for the awakening of your child

For the little ones, the most suitable activities are baby sport, baby swimming lessons or baby yogi lessons. It is about stimulating the senses and developing the psychomotricity of the child, not making him a high level athlete from his first months of life.

At this stage, moments of bond are created between your child and you parents. Today there is baby-sport.

These gym classes for children offer individual or group games through small workshops and fun courses. A wide range of equipment is used: hoops, studs, beams, benches, chairs, various obstacles… Baby sport teaches children coordination, balance, and orientation in space.

From when can baby play sports?

Baby can start from 2 years old, up to 6 years old. Most sporting activities generally begin at the age of 5 or 6.

קונץ: find the sport your child will like by having them try out several disciplines. Find out more from town halls and sports federations.

עצות און פּריקאָשאַנז

Each child is unique and evolves at his own pace. Avoid comparing it to others.

Pay attention to your child’s interest in a particular activity. Observe his reactions and listen to him. His desires and interests can change quickly. Do not insist if he is tired or less attentive. Remember that the most important thing is that he has fun with you, and that you have a good time.

  • זיכערהייַט

Safety is important but should not inhibit exploration and the enjoyment of the little one. Respect his pace, and trust him, let him discover and explore his environment alone. He will become daring thanks to his success in mastering the situation. He will become reckless if he is pushed out of his comfort zone.

  • אַטטאַטשמענט

Attachment is that emotional bond that gradually settles between you and your child. This bond is stronger when your child knows that he can trust you, and that you will always be there to comfort him if necessary.

While trusting you, through baby sport, he develops the necessary confidence in exploring his environment. This bond of attachment is important, it is reinforced by your presence, by playing with you. It will help your child to be independent, and to be comfortable facing many challenges.

Your child only needs to be supported, encouraged and guided in their explorations.

  • the Motivation box

By practicing with him the playful exercises of baby swimming, baby sport or in the gym or yoga classes for mom / baby, your child will discover not only the pleasure of moving, and the satisfaction of succeeding. As a result, his motivation will increase on other workshops or activities, because he will know that he can succeed again.

In kids’ gym classes, your encouragement and constructive feedback will help your little one gain confidence in and in these motor skills.

Favorite sports for your baby

From birth, baby awakens to the world around him thanks to his body. The acquisition of motor skills allows him to gain confidence during the development of his motor skills.

It is important for the child to have experiences of motor success. Parents should encourage him in his experiences without doing for him. He will thus gain confidence in his physical capacities and in himself. The children’s gym is ideal for this.

The child learns to move with ease, which gives him a lot of pleasure in the activity. The sooner the child starts physical activity, the more likely he is to keep this adult habit.

Baby swimming lessons to be preferred

Baby loves water and thrives in an aquatic environment. He spent 9 months in amniotic fluid. Sessions last about 30 minutes in hot water at 32 degrees. Baby feels good in the arms of mom or dad.

The facilitator advises you on the right gestures. Baby is not learning to swim. He discovers the aquatic environment and new sensations through play. Baby swimming lessons allow him to socialize and develop his autonomy.

What sport for baby?

  • baby-gym classes,
  • baby yogi *, yoga for the little ones **
  • gym, pilates or yoga mom / baby

Other “baby sport” possible

  • baby-basket,
  • baby-judo,
  • baby-ski

You will find these “baby sports” in some towns. Check with your town hall.

Focus on the children’s gym

The children’s gym allows you to develop baby’s or young child’s motor skills. This motor skills is the basis of learning for the little one.

Motor skills encompass different skills:

  • locomotion: crawling, walking, running;
  • movement: pushing, pulling, catching, throwing, dribbling, juggling.

The acquisition of these skills provides the essential bases for the development of finer and more complex motor skills such as: eating with a spoon, attaching a button, tying your shoes, coloring …

With the support and encouragement of the adults around him, the child acquires, at his own pace, the motor skills that will develop his capacities:

  • affective, through autonomy;
  • social, playing and communicating with other children;
  • intellectual, through exploration and adaptation to its environment;

What supervision?

Baby gym classes are supervised by state-certified or certified sports educators in the discipline. The departments and the federations provide subsidies in order to equip sports equipment and thus allow the youngest children to have access to sport.

The best support will always be you, his parents. Take daily opportunities to be active with your child. You will benefit from the physical and psychological benefits, while developing a beautiful family bond.

The child learns by imitating. By being an active parent, you make him want to move. Go for a walk, walk, your child will love these walks.

קונץ: offer baby a stimulating environment adapted to his abilities. Introduce it to variations and new challenges.

Each child is unique. Respect the rhythm and the interests of yours, because the main goal is to have a good time with him. Emphasize the pleasure you get from having a good time with him. Remember that this is a game time that should be enjoyable for everyone.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן