וואָס זענען די סיבות פון טאָרטיקאָליס?

וואָס זענען די סיבות פון טאָרטיקאָליס?

The cause of stiff neck is מוסקל צונויפצי. The latter happens when we have slept in a bad position or when we work in an uncomfortable position (especially in front of a computer screen).

Newborns sometimes suffer from stiff neck (in this case we speak of קאַנדזשענאַטאַל טאָרטיקאָליס). It is in this case often due to a bad position in the womb of the mother. In older children, a stiff neck may be related to an infection in the ears, teeth or throat, or meningitis.

A herniated disc or osteoarthritis can also be the cause of torticollis.

Regarding spastic torticollis, the causes are not known.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן