The oatmeal diet – what effects can you expect?

אין לויט מיט זיין מיסיע, די עדיטאָריאַל באָרד פון MedTvoiLokony מאכט אַלע מי צו צושטעלן פאַרלאָזלעך מעדיציניש אינהאַלט געשטיצט דורך די לעצטע וויסנשאפטלעכע וויסן. די נאָך פאָן "אָפּגעשטעלט אינהאַלט" ינדיקייץ אַז דער אַרטיקל איז ריוויוד אָדער געשריבן גלייַך דורך אַ דאָקטער. די צוויי-שריט וועראַפאַקיישאַן: אַ מעדיציניש זשורנאַליסט און אַ דאָקטער אַלאַוז אונדז צו צושטעלן די העכסטן קוואַליטעט אינהאַלט אין לויט מיט די קראַנט מעדיציניש וויסן.

אונדזער היסכייַוועס אין דעם געגנט איז אַפּרישיייטיד, צווישן אנדערע, דורך די אַססאָסיאַטיאָן פון דזשאָורנאַליסץ פֿאַר געזונט, וואָס אַוואָרדיד די רעדאקציע באָרד פון מעדוואָילאָקאָני מיט די אַנערערי טיטל פון דער גרויס עדזשאַקייטער.

The oatmeal diet is one of the mono-diets that allow you to get rid of excess pounds in a short time. This type of diet is intended only for adults and healthy people. An important aspect of the oatmeal diet is not to consume highly processed products, rich in simple carbohydrates. The oatmeal diet can be used for one day or extended into three stages.

די האָבערגריץ דיעטע - וואָס יפעקץ קענען איר דערוואַרטן?

Of course, as with any diet, also and oatmeal diet is designed to slim down quickly and easily.

Attention! The rules of the diet are very restrictive. Monodiets are not recommended by nutritionists because they do not provide the body with all the necessary ingredients. Such diets often result in a yo-yo effect.

The effects of weight loss can be noticed after a week of its implementation. The oatmeal diet allows you to shed about one to two kilograms during this time.

As for the number of calories consumed during the oatmeal diet, the number ranges from 1000 to 1400. So this is a diet that severely restricts caloric intake.

Important! Before starting a restrictive diet, consult your GP!

The oatmeal diet – what rules should you follow?

Like any monodiet, the oatmeal diet requires self-discipline and strict adherence to its rules. As the name suggests, this diet is based on eating oatmeal. However, it should be remembered that only natural ones can be eaten האָבערגריץ. If we want to notice visible יפעקס oatmeal diet, you must not eat muesli, because they contain large amounts of simple sugars. You should not choose instant oatmeal either.

One-day oatmeal diet, or how to lose 1 kg in 1 day

As mentioned, the oatmeal diet can be used in two ways – for one or several days.

איין טאג oatmeal diet it consists in taking natural oat flakes during the day, preferably with water, low-fat milk or with yoghurt. It is important that the yogurt does not contain unnecessary carbohydrates. In this case, plain yogurt is the best choice. Prepare oatmeal by pouring milk, water or yoghurt over about 5-6 tablespoons of natural oatmeal (mountain oats). Porridge can be spiced up with fruit – orange, kiwi, apple or banana. After the porridge is prepared, divide it into equal five portions that will be eaten throughout the day. The next portions should be eaten every 2-3 hours, the first around 8 am. It is important to avoid drinking sweetened coffee or tea, as well as commercial juices and energy drinks while using the oatmeal diet.


ניט אַלע דיייץ זענען געזונט און זיכער פֿאַר אונדזער גוף. עס איז רעקאַמענדיד אַז איר באַראַטנ זיך דיין דאָקטער איידער איר אָנהייבן קיין דיעטע, אַפֿילו אויב איר טאָן ניט האָבן קיין געזונט קאַנסערנז.

ווען טשוזינג אַ דיעטע, קיינמאָל נאָכגיין די קראַנט מאָדע. געדענקט אַז עטלעכע דיייץ, ינקל. נידעריק אין באַזונדער נוטריאַנץ אָדער שטארק לימאַטינג קאַלאָריעס, און מאָנאָ-דיייץ קענען זיין דאַביליטאַטינג פֿאַר דעם גוף, פירן אַ ריזיקירן פון עסן דיסאָרדערס, און קענען אויך פאַרגרעסערן אַפּעטיט, קאַנטריביוטינג צו אַ שנעל צוריקקומען צו די ערשטע וואָג.

Long-term oatmeal diet

This is a much more restrictive method of shedding extra pounds than the one-day version of the oatmeal diet. It consists in consuming oatmeal in three stages, for two months.

The first stage of the diet lasts seven days and is designed to cleanse the body of toxins. It consists in taking four servings of porridge. The premise of the first stage of a long-term oatmeal diet is not to exceed 1200 kcal per day.

The second stage of the long-term oatmeal diet, on the other hand, is four weeks long, with fruits and vegetables added to three servings of oatmeal per day. At this stage, you can also eat fish or lean, roasted or grilled meat such as chicken breast at lunchtime.

Last stage oat diet it consists in gradually exiting the diet. In this case, the porridge should be eaten once a day. The rest of your meals should include vegetables, fruits, roast meats, fish, and whole grains. Under no circumstances should you eat food that weighs down the digestive tract, such as fried, hard-to-digest dishes. It is allowed, however, to steaming, in water, roasting or grilling.

Order OATlicious OstroVit Oatmeal with freeze-dried fruits today, available at Medonet Market in various flavors.

Oatmeal Diet – Benefits

Natural oatmeal is devoid of unnecessary simple carbohydrates, they also do not have a too high glycemic index, therefore they gradually release energy and allow you to regulate blood glucose levels. They are also a high-fiber product, which means that they stimulate the peristaltic movements of the intestines and allow them to bind and remove debris from the digestive tract. You can add oat bran to the oatmeal to increase your fiber intake.

At Medonet Market you will find Pro Natura oatmeal and Pro Natura toasted oatmeal, which are completely natural and made from crushed grains.

איר זוכט פֿאַר אַ וועג צו פֿאַרבעסערן דיין מאַטאַבאַליזאַם? בערבערינע קענען זיין אַ שטיצן. איר קענען געפֿינען די העסאָפע מיט עס אין Medonet מאַרקעט.

Oatmeal diet – sample menu

לעמאָשל קסנומקס:

Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal in milk or with natural yoghurt, sprinkled with dried cranberries.

Lunch: red grapefruit or orange.

Lunch: a portion of oatmeal in water, sun-dried tomatoes, grilled fish or chicken breast (about 100 grams), a handful of arugula sprinkled with olive oil.

Afternoon tea: carrot and apple salad.

Dinner: a portion of oatmeal in water, lettuce with radish and natural yoghurt.

בייַשפּיל 2:

Breakfast: a portion of oat flakes with natural yoghurt, blueberries and almond flakes.

Lunch: a bowl of kiwi.

Lunch: a serving of oatmeal, steamed broccoli, baked fish or chicken breast.

Afternoon tea: salad of celery, cauliflower, cucumber, sprinkled with olive oil.

Dinner: a portion of oatmeal, cherry tomatoes with natural yoghurt.

איר קען זיין אינטערעסירט אין:

  1. Lose 10 kg in three weeks – is it possible?
  2. Belly diet – what should it look like? What to do to have a flat stomach?
  3. די זיבן פודז וואָס בלייַבן אין דיין געדערעם די לאָנגעסט

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן