Second trimester of pregnancy: procedures and examinations

דער פערט חודש פון שוואַנגערשאַפט

From the fourth month, we will have one medical examination per month. So let’s go for the second follow-up consultation. It includes in particular a אַלגעמיינע דורכקוק (taking blood pressure, measuring weight, listening to the fetal heartbeat…). We are also offered the סערום מאַרקער פּרובירן for screening for trisomy 21. Likewise, we are prescribed a blood test if we are not immune to toxoplasmosis and if our rh is negative, and a urine test for albumin (its presence may be a sign of toxemia), sugar (for diabetes) and a possible urinary tract infection. We take the opportunity to make an appointment for the second ultrasound.

During the 4th month, we are also offered an individual or couple interview (paid for by Social Security and which replaces the first of the eight childbirth preparation sessions) with the midwife or another healthcare professional. birth. Its purpose is to provide answers to questions that we have not yet asked ourselves. Another important point: our belly started to round, it becomes visible … Perhaps it would be time to warn our employer, even if קיין לעגאַל פליכט exists as to the date of declaration.

דער פינפט חודש פון שוואַנגערשאַפט

This month we will spend our second ultrasound, important moment since we can  know the sex of our child (or confirm it), if the position of the fetus allows it. It aims to ensure the good health of the baby, that there are no abnormalities. We must also schedule the third mandatory consultation. It includes the same examinations as those performed during the 4th month visit: a general examination and a biological examination (toxoplasmosis and albumin). If we don’t have started childbirth preparation classes, we check with the doctor or midwife who follows us.

For farsighted mothers-to-be, one can start looking at strollers, car seats and other big purchases. We do not forget to check if his accommodation is secure for the arrival of Baby.

דער זעקסטער חודש פון שוואַנגערשאַפט

Be there soon the fourth prenatal consultation. It looks like the previous one with however a more thorough examination of the cervix. The interest: to see if there is a risk of premature birth. Then the doctor measures the height of the uterus in order to check healthy fetal growth and listen to his heartbeat. Your blood pressure is taken and you are weighed. In addition to the search for albumin in the urine and the serology of toxoplasmosis (if the results were negative), the prescribed biological examination includes in particular a hepatitis B screening. If he deems it necessary, the practitioner can ask us to do additional examinations, for example a count to check for anemia. We make an appointment for the fifth visit. We also think of registering for childbirth preparation courses if it has not already been done.

How are we going to announce the good news to everyone around us? Now is the time to think about it!

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן