Prevention and medical treatment of dry eye syndrome

Prevention and medical treatment of dry eye syndrome


You can help prevent dry eye syndrome by adopting certain habits:

  • Avoid receivingלופט directly into the eyes.
  • ניצן אַ כיומידאַפייער.
  • Lower the heating.
  • טראָגן עטלעכע זונברילן אַרויס.
  • Reduce the number of hours you wear contact lenses.
  • ויסמיידן סמאָוקינג.
  • Avoid polluted atmospheres,
  • מאַכן רעגולער ברייקס during prolonged work at the computer, or while reading, looking in the distance for a few seconds and blinking.
  • Read the package leaflet for any medication you are taking and ask your doctor if it is possible to replace them when they can cause dry eyes.
  • Wear closed glasses to protect the eye from the harsh environment and to maintain high humidity in the eye.
  • Never go to the swimming pool without wearing protective glasses, chlorine being irritating to the eyes.

מעדיציניש טריטמאַנץ

– The simplest and fastest initial treatment for relief is the use of אויג טראפנס אָדער צו קינסטלעך טרערן (moisturizing eye drops) which compensate for the lack of tears. This approach usually provides relief for mild cases of טרוקן אויגן. A doctor or optometrist may recommend the appropriate type of drops, depending on the case, as not all drops are created equal. Some, like physiological serum, only contain water and mineral salts, while the tear film also contains lipids (grease with a lubricating role). Lubricating gels intended for dry eyes are therefore more effective.

– The rehabilitation of the blinking of the eyes is simple, but sometimes very useful.

– Azithromycin, an antibiotic in eye drops, is likely to improve dry eyes, not by an antibiotic effect, but probably by an anti-enzymatic effect making it possible to improve the quality of secretions. The dose is 2 drops per day for 3 days, 2-3 times per month.

Some oral antibiotics can also be used for the same purpose (azythromycin, doxycycline, minocycline, lymecycline, erythromycin, metronidazole).

– In some cases drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect can have an interesting effect, corticosteroids, cyclosporine eye drops,

– The use of heated glasses with humid chamber improves dry eye (Blephasteam®) may be suggested by the ophthalmologist.

– He can also prescribe scleral lenses to keep the cornea moist at all times.

– A new technique can treat certain dry eyes, those where the lipid film is no longer sufficiently produced by the meibomian glands. It may suffice to warm the eyelids with hot compresses, then massage them daily, which stimulates or unclogs these glands. There are devices (lipiflow®) used by ophthalmologists to heat the inside of the eyelids and massage them, while protecting the surface of the eye. This method stimulates these glands resulting in better eye comfort and a decrease in the need for artificial tear film. The effectiveness of this treatment is about 9 months and it is still expensive.

Ophthalmologists can also perform probing-unblocking of the Meibomian glands using single-use probes (Maskin® probes)

– It is also possible to install microscopic silicone tear plugs in the tear evacuation openings in order to increase their quantity on the eye. It is sometimes useful to consider cauterization of the tear evacuation ports.


קאַמפּלאַמענטשי טריטמאַנץ

Sea buckthorn oil by way מויל4. With 1 gram of this oil in the morning and evening in a capsule, in three months an improvement in dry eye symptoms was observed compared to a placebo, in particular the redness of the eyes and the burning sensations and the ability to wear lenses. of contact.

Omega-3s associated with antioxidants5 : 3 capsules per day for 12 weeks of a food supplement containing omega-3 and antioxidants brought improvement in dry eyes. The antioxidants were vitamin A, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium, and amino acids, tyrosine, cysteine ​​and glutathione (Brudysec® 1.5 g).

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן