Mom’s breast milk turned blue when her daughter was vaccinated

The woman is sure: this is how her body adapted to the needs of the baby.

It rarely happens that a photo of two bottles of milk is distributed on social networks in thousands of reposts. However, this is exactly the case: the photo, which was published by the mother of four children, Englishwoman Jody Fisher, was reposted almost 8 thousand times.

Left – milk before vaccination, right – after

One of the bottles contains milk that Jody pumped out before taking her one-year-old daughter, Nancy, for a vaccination. In the second – milk, as it looks two days after vaccination. And it’s … blue!

“At first I was very surprised. And then I started looking for information about why this could be, ”says Jody.

It turned out that there was no cause for concern. The strange bluish tint of the milk, according to Jody, meant that the mother’s body began to produce the antibodies her daughter needed to fight the disease. After all, the weakened viruses that the vaccine contains, the baby’s immunity took for a real infection.

“When I feed my daughter, my body reads information about her health through Nancy’s saliva,” explains the mother of many children.

True, some decided that the second bottle contains the so-called front milk, that is, the one that the child receives at the beginning of feeding. It is not as greasy as the back, and better thirst quencher. But hind milk already copes with hunger.

“No, in both cases I expressed my milk after feeding, so it’s not front milk, rest assured,” Jodie rejected. – And the color of milk is not related to what I ate: I had nothing artificial color in my diet, no additives, I also did not eat greens. This is my milk every time Nancy is sick. As he recovers, everything returns to normal. “

At the same time, Jody clarified that in no case did she want to humiliate those who feed the children with formula.

“My first baby was bottle-fed, the next two were mixed,” she says. “I just want to show what our bodies are capable of and explain why I still breastfeed Nancy even though she is 13 months old.”

By the way, such cases have already happened: one mother surprised the Network with a picture of pink breast milk, the second with yellow milk, which changed when her child fell ill.

“Please, just do not come here with sermons that vaccines are poisonous,” Jody said to anti-vaccines, who staged a real battle with insults and ridicule in the comments to her post. “I hope your child does not get anything serious and does not infect someone who should not be vaccinated, just because you do not believe in vaccines.”


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