איטאַליעניש מאַקאַראָנען: ווי צו קלייַבן און פאַרבינדן מיט סאָסיז

קלייַבן די בעסטער

When buying pasta in a store, the question immediately arises: which brand to prefer, and why such a difference in price. That being said, everything is pretty simple. If we accept by default that any pasta is high-quality durum flour mixed with water, then it becomes clear that the trick is in something else. Water, of course, can be from high-mountain springs, and flour from wheat, hand-picked by virgins at dawn, but as a rule, everything is much more prosaic.

Namely: the taste and cost of the pasta directly depends on the method of its production, the quality of the machines for forming the dough, the drying temperature and the time spent on converting the fresh pasta “hot with heat” into the usual dry pasta in the package. The lower the drying temperature (not higher than 50 ° C), the longer the pasta dries, the tastier the dish will be on your table.

In addition, a good quality pasta should absorb as much sauce as possible. A rough surface is one of the important advantages. If the mold for extruding and shaping the dough is bronze, the pasta will be porous, rough, the sauce will not drain and the result will satisfy the most refined taste.


There are two simple tips for making the right choice: choose a pack of pasta, as if “dusty”, rough. And look how many grams of protein per 100 grams of pasta. The bigger, the better. Great when 17 grams.

And don’t forget! Each packet has a cooking time indicated, it is very important to adhere to it. The pasta should be boiled in a large saucepan and a lot of water for cooking should be taken and tasty, preferably drinking: 1 liter for every 100 grams of dry pasta.

The sauce for the pasta

Pasta sauces should be prepared with variety and taste. Do you like rich meat sauces? Take it. They go well with pesto (they are also bows). With cheese sauce – wide pasta. With seafood, take again or. For warm salads, cook or. With tomatoes and herbs, Italians from the south of the peninsula recommend using such round cakes, which are rarely cooked in the north.

Would you like a paste farsh? Are waiting for you, oblong empty tubes, or large seashells. Again, no one canceled that you can cook with anything anything: from vegetables to fish and meat. 

It is better to add to the soup not what came to hand, but what exactly is needed for soup: (circles), (our beloved thin vermicelli) אָדער אין אַלע (indeed, very similar to rice).

Of course, you can become an adherent of one type of pasta and there is her only one constantly, changing sauces. But this, it seems to me, is not so interesting. There are a lot of Italian pasta formats!

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן