ווי צו פאַרגיכערן דיין מאַטאַבאַליזאַם ביי 20, 30, 40 און 50 יאָר אַלט

We will not open America if we say that metabolism slows down over the years. True, it is one thing to read about this axiom, and another to experience it for yourself. Personally, we do not want to put up with this state of affairs, which is why we have found ways for every age with which you can speed up your metabolism.

With age, it becomes more difficult for us to lose weight. And all because the metabolism accelerated in youth is steadily slowing down …

Surely, when you were ten years old, you could eat your grandmother’s fried cutlets every day without a twinge of conscience, and gobble up cookies before going to bed, washed down with Duchess. And there was nothing for you. Rather, the parents or the same grandmother, of course, could grumble, but the extra centimeters did not even try to settle on the hips.

Unfortunately, those days are over. Thirty years later, you are afraid to eat extra bread, and on vacation you are forced to deny yourself local mouth-watering dishes. Even eating as before, you can gradually gain pounds, and, having gone on a diet, notice that you are not losing weight as quickly as before.

According to doctors, each person’s metabolism begins to slow down at different ages.

For most, this process starts closer to thirty, and for some lucky ones – at forty. In any case, no one wants to acquire a “life buoy”. Read our material on how to speed up your metabolism in different decades of your life, and to be more precise, how to speed up your metabolism.

How to speed up your metabolism at 20 – 30 years old

Nutritionists say that at this age a person has the fastest metabolism (unless, of course, counting childhood). In other words, your body burns calories while you are just working at the computer, watching a movie or reading a book. In addition, many are not yet burdened with any obligations, so they have time for an active lifestyle. In addition, bone formation takes up to twenty-five years, which also requires energy from the body.

Many girls in their twenties can afford to eat junk food often due to their accelerated metabolism.

However, the sedentary lifestyle that many young people live in has a bearing on their health. We are not talking about a problem back and headaches – about this another time – but about the fact that, it turns out, because of this, the metabolism slows down.

At twenty-eight, you notice that you cannot eat pizza for several days and not gain weight as before.

However, you are young and can fix things quickly. According to doctors, at this age, it is enough to start eating right and exercise regularly. This will be enough to speed up the metabolism and restore slimness to the figure.

How to speed up your metabolism at 30 – 40 years old

Doctors say that metabolic rate directly depends on the amount of muscle mass: the more there is, the faster the metabolism and the more calories your body burns at rest. The problem is that after the age of thirty, the percentage of muscle tissue begins to decrease, transforming into fat. If you don’t exercise, you are essentially letting your muscles know you don’t need them, so you lose one percent of that tissue every year. If you haven’t been to the gym yet, then it’s time to start. Cardio, like ten years ago, will no longer save – only strength training will help build muscle mass. In addition, the production of growth hormone is sharply reduced, which also affects the metabolic rate. The good news is that strength training can also help your body produce this hormone.

Strength training helps not only build muscle, but also release growth hormone

And, of course, you need to carefully monitor your diet. Drink plenty of water and less coffee, and include more protein and vegetables in your diet. Doctors insist that it is in this decade that you make decisions that have long-term consequences. Doctors urge not to get carried away with strict diets.

If at twenty years old such a trick really makes the body shrink in size, then at thirty it will only go into the energy conservation mode.

Finally, learn to manage your stress. As a rule, this decade is the most stressful in life: a career, a child, or maybe a problematic relationship can make you constantly nervous. However, chronic stress raises the level of cortisol and insulin in the blood, and against the background of an already gradually slowing metabolism, this can lead to sad consequences for the figure.

How to speed up your metabolism at 40 – 50 years old

At this age, food that you have enjoyed your entire life suddenly turns out to be your worst enemy. Now it’s not just about muscle loss, but also about lowering levels of the female hormones progesterone and estrogen. One form of estrogen, estradiol, is significantly reduced before menopause. Meanwhile, it is he who helps regulate metabolism, if necessary, accelerate metabolism and affects weight.

At any age, you need to monitor your diet.

At this age, you need to focus on a healthy diet. According to experts, if you exercise regularly, then cut the calorie intake by one hundred and fifty calories, and if not, by three hundred.

At the same time, you need to include in your diet foods rich in phytoestrogens – plant analogues of female sex hormones.

Flax seeds, sesame seeds, garlic, dried fruit, hummus, and tofu can slightly increase estradiol levels and thus speed up your metabolism. And, of course, no one canceled the gym. Of course, doing any kind of sport will help you burn calories, but only strength exercises can speed up your metabolism.

How to speed up your metabolism at 50 – 60 years old

By the age of fifty-five, the average woman gains about eight kilograms – all this is fat, which has become muscle tissue over time. Moreover, if you do not monitor your diet, this figure may be higher. According to doctors, the average age at which women enter menopause is fifty-one years. Estrogen and progesterone, levels of which have already been low in the past ten years, are no longer produced at all. This leads to thinning of bones, even more rapid loss of muscle mass and, as a result, weight gain.

You can speed up your metabolism after menopause.

Doctors keep repeating: Don’t forget about strength training! Of course, you might think that they can harm already weak joints, but the situation is exactly the opposite. Regular weight lifting increases bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, and decreases the risk of chronic diseases (such as type XNUMX diabetes), cardiovascular disease, and arthritis.

In doing so, it is imperative to increase the amount of protein consumed in order to prevent further muscle loss.

To speed up the metabolism, experts advise eating one to two hundred grams of protein a day. According to the latest research, in no case should a substance be obtained only from animal products. Who would have thought, but this will only increase the loss of muscle mass! Doctors advise paying attention to vegetable protein: legumes, nuts and mushrooms.  

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