קסנומקס יאָרן

קסנומקס יאָרן

זיי רעדן וועגן 30 יאָר ...

« Thirties, the age when life is not evaluated in dreams but in achievements. » Yvette Naubert.

« At thirty, one does not have infinite sorrows, because one still has too much hope, and neither does one have exaggerated desires, because one already has too much experience. » Pierre Baillargeon.

« At thirty, we have the appearance of adults, the appearance of wisdom, but only the appearance. And so afraid of doing wrong! » Isabelle Sorente.

«Everything I know I learned after I turned 30. » Clemenceau

« At 15, we want to please; at 20, one must please; at 40, you can please; but it is only at 30 that we know how to please. " Jean-Gabriel Domergue

"Grow as fast as you can. It pays. The only time you live fully is thirty to sixty. " Hervey Allen

וואָס טאָן איר שטאַרבן פון ביי 30?

The main causes of death at the age of 30 are unintentional injuries (car accidents, falls, etc.) at 33%, followed by suicides at 12%, then cancer, cardiovascular disease, homicides, and complications of pregnancy.

ביי 30, עס זענען וועגן 48 יאָר צו לעבן פֿאַר מענטשן און 55 יאָר פֿאַר וואָמען. די מאַשמאָעס פון שטאַרבן אין עלטער 30 איז 0,06% פֿאַר וואָמען און 0,14% פֿאַר מענטשן.

סעקשואַלאַטי ביי 30

From the age of 30, these are often constraints of order מישפּאָכע or ספורט אַז שטערן געשלעכט לעבן. אָבער, עס איז אויך אַ געלעגנהייט צו פאָרזעצן די דיסקאַוועריז געמאכט אין דיין צוואַנציק יאָר. די אַרויסרופן איז דעריבער צו נוצן די שעפֿערישקייט צו האַלטן די פאַרלאַנג לעבעדיק און פאָרזעצן די מאָמענטום פון פאַרגעניגן טראָץ די קינדער, די אַרבעט און די וועריז פון וואָכעדיק לעבן.

To achieve this, 2 measures seem essential: say “no” to things that take up too much of our time like television, and put sex life on the agenda! The idea doesn’t sound romantic, but it would be well worth it for clinical psychologist Julie Larouche.

After 30 years, if the man’s sexual desire is regularly satisfied, in various ways, it becomes less and less obsessive. And the pressure of hormones is also starting to be less insistent. For her part, the woman who has known and explored genital and orgasmic pleasure becomes more and more receptive to sexuality. She will often want to try new experiences and put more פּיקאַנטי און פאַנטאַזיע אין זיין געשלעכט לעבן. עס איז אין דעם מאָמענט אַז פילע מענטשן נעמען די געלעגנהייט צו דיפּאַן זייער פאַרווייַלונג און לערנען צו געבן און באַקומען מער.

גינעקאָלאָגי 30

At 30, it is recommended to perform a Routine gynecological examination should take place every year with a smear to be done every 2 years to check for cervical cancer.

An annual mammogram will also be done if there is a history of breast cancer in the family.

Gynecological consultations at age 30 are often linked to pregnancy: pregnancy monitoring, IVF, abortion, contraception, etc.

The remarkable points of the thirties

From the age of 30 and up to about 70, one could count on וועגן פופצן פריינט אַז איר קענען טאַקע רעכענען אויף. פֿון די עלטער פון 70, דאָס פאלט צו 10, און לעסאָף פאַלן צו 5 בלויז נאָך 80 יאָר.

In Canada, women reaching their thirties without having had children are now as many as women who have had at least one child before this symbolic milestone. In 1970, they were only 17%, then 36% in 1985, and almost 50% in 2016.

About a third of Western men experience baldness by the age of 30. It is characterized by the progressive receding of the edge of the hair, at the top of the forehead. Sometimes it occurs more on the top of the head. Baldness can start as early as the late teens.

By the age of 30, however, it affects only 2% to 5% of women, and nearly 40% by the age of 70.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן