18 וואָך פון שוואַנגערשאַפט פון פאָרשטעלונג
We are approaching the equator of pregnancy, generally recognized as the calmest period in all 9 months. At the 18th week of pregnancy from conception, the expectant mother can for the first time feel the stirring of a small life

וואָס כאַפּאַנז צו די בעיבי אין 18 וואָכן

By the 18th week of pregnancy, the baby is already almost fully formed. He knows how to suck a finger, swallow amniotic fluid, push with legs and arms, and his eyes barely noticeably open.

The baby’s skin is still thin, but the network of blood vessels no longer shines through it, since adipose tissue has appeared. There is little fatty tissue on the face, so the baby’s face is still wrinkled.

At the 18th week of pregnancy from conception, other amazing changes occur with the fetus. Now he has a blink reflex, which will be useful to him after birth.

By the end of this week, the child has good coordination, he can bring his finger to his mouth and suck on it.

All the internal organs of the baby are formed, and the ultrasound doctor can already assess their condition. The nervous, hematopoietic, digestive and respiratory systems work. Functioning gonads and kidneys.

פעטאַל אַלטראַסאַונד

Between the 16th and 20th weeks of pregnancy from conception, a woman undergoes a second mandatory ultrasound, or second screening. An ultrasound of the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy helps to identify malformations in the development of the child, determine the position of the placenta and the sex of the baby, and also clarify the actual gestational age. If pathologies are detected, doctors will prescribe the necessary treatment for the mother. But it is important to determine not only pathologies, but also the general condition of the internal organs of the child, to observe how his brain is formed, how the heart works. Doctors also evaluate the mother’s condition, including the amount of amniotic fluid, the length of the cervix, and other indicators important for the birth of a healthy baby.

In addition to ultrasound of the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy, it is worth taking a general urine test and a blood test for hCG + estriol + AFP. Further, it is better to make visits to the doctor every four weeks.

פאָטאָ לעבן

The weight of the baby at this time is a little more than 300 grams, and the growth from head to heels is 25 – 26 centimeters, it is already the size of a banana.

A photo of the abdomen at the 18th week of pregnancy will clearly give out an “interesting position” if the girl is fragile or of normal build. The tummy, of course, is still small, but already noticeable. But ladies with forms and overweight will be able to hide pregnancy for a couple of weeks at best.

וואָס כאַפּאַנז צו מאַם אין 18 וואָכן

New discoveries lie in wait for the expectant mother at the 18th week of pregnancy. For example, it becomes increasingly difficult for her to sleep. Because of hormones, the nasopharynx swells and, in addition to a runny nose, a woman may be haunted by snoring. Sleeping on your side or a higher pillow will help to escape from it. You may suddenly find white or yellowish thick vaginal discharge. You should not panic right away, if there is no unpleasant odor, then this is hardly an infection. Most likely it is leukorrhoea, caused by an abundant flow of blood to the vagina. Doctors recommend using daily panty liners and in no case wash yourself with a shower or douche. All this will only wash away the microflora and create an environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Another possible discovery at the 18th week of pregnancy is the appearance of colostrum. A yellowish translucent fluid often begins to flow from the mammary glands around this time. It is not necessary to squeeze it out, it is better to simply wipe it with a napkin.

ווייַזן מער

וואָס סענסיישאַנז קענען איר דערפאַרונג אין 18 וואָך

Feelings at the 18th week of pregnancy can be both pleasant and not too pleasant. The most wonderful feeling at this time is the movement of the baby in the womb. At week 18, women begin to feel it, for whom this is the first pregnancy.

In half an hour, mommy can count from 20 to 60 “shocks”. Sometimes they can stop, because the baby also needs to sleep.

What other sensations can a woman experience at the 18th week of pregnancy:

  1. Back pain due to growing belly. To make the discomfort not so obvious, you need to monitor your weight, wear comfortable shoes, a bandage (if the doctor approved), do not stand for a long time, and if you lie down, then on a hard one. A warm bath can help relieve pain.
  2. Swelling in the legs. It’s annoying, but temporary. You can reduce the chance of swelling by eating a healthy diet that is low in salty foods.
  3. Pain in the gums due to progesterone and estrogen, sometimes they begin to bleed.
  4. Pain in the buttocks, lower back, or thighs due to irritation of the sciatic nerve. You can reduce it if you lie on your side, reducing the pressure of the uterus on the nerve.
  5. Heartburn. So that she does not bother, prop yourself up with pillows so that you take a half-sitting position.
  6. Growth of libido. Many pregnant women notice how sexual desire increases in the second trimester, you should not deny yourself sex if there are no contraindications.


– Bloody discharge from the genital tract should not normally be at this time. This may be a sign of a threatened abortion and placental abruption, explains אַבסטאַטרישאַן-גינעקאָלאָגיסט דאַריאַ יוואַנאָוואַ. – Some pregnant women may develop a decidual polyp of the cervix. This is a benign formation on the cervix, the appearance of which is associated specifically with pregnancy and hormonal changes in the body and the removal of which is usually not required, it often disappears after childbirth.

Such a polyp is characterized by spotting from the genital tract, which appear from time to time.

– Periodic spotting may be in patients with cervical ectopia, especially after sexual intercourse. But all these diagnoses can only be established by a doctor during an examination, the gynecologist explains. – Unfortunately, pregnant women can also develop cervical cancer, especially those who have not been examined by a gynecologist before pregnancy and in the first trimester. Therefore, if any bloody discharge (or the appearance of streaks of blood in the discharge) appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

בויך - ווייטאג

Pain pains are different. Sometimes pregnant women feel cramps in the lower abdomen, a sharp pain when changing position or after physical exertion. Usually, such pains are the result of sprains that support a woman’s growing belly. These pains do not require medical intervention.

However, severe intense pain that does not go away at rest can mean a risk to the baby and mother. If it is accompanied by heaviness in the uterus and spotting, you urgently need to call an ambulance.

Pain may or may not be directly related to the uterus. Often in pregnant women, appendicitis or problems with the kidneys and bladder appear this way. They, by the way, also require a visit to the doctor.

ברוין אָפּזאָגן

Smearing brown discharge in the second trimester is a sign of some kind of problem that is best identified and cured immediately. They may occur as a symptom:

  • פּלאַסענטאַ פּרעוויאַ אָדער אַברופּטיאָן;
  • the presence of polyps in the uterus;
  • vaginal injuries;
  • ינפעקשאַנז;
  • סערוואַקאַל ראַק.

פאָלקס שאלות און ענטפֿערס

Headache, what can a pregnant woman do to relieve pain?

– Medical treatment of headache is better not to undertake. A good option would be to measure blood pressure and act on the basis of indicators. If it is low (100/60 and below), then any products containing caffeine (tea, coffee) will help. Aspirin and paracetamol are allowed up to 30 weeks, but should be avoided if possible.

First, try elementary ways to combat migraines: ventilate and humidify the air in the room, make a cool compress with mint or lavender, massage your temples with star balm, take a warm bath.

If the blood pressure is higher than 120/80 mm Hg, you need to see a doctor, you need to find out its causes. High blood pressure can be dangerous for a child.

What warning signs during pregnancy should alert a woman?

There are many of them, but let’s focus on the main ones:

1. Dizziness, headache, darkening of the eyes. These are all symptoms of high blood pressure. If they appear periodically, it is better to consult a doctor.

2. Spotting. When they appear at any stage of pregnancy, you should immediately go to a specialist in order to prevent possible complications in time.

3. Severe swelling. They may indicate late toxicosis of pregnant women (gestosis). If they are accompanied by headache, increased pressure and vomiting, we go to the doctor.

4. Lack of movement. The child usually moves at least 10 times a day. If for four hours you do not notice movements, the baby does not respond to music, touching the stomach, make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible.

5. Pain in the abdomen. Severe pain at any time is a reason to play it safe and undergo an examination.

6. Fall. If after the fall the baby behaves as usual and you feel normal, then there is no reason to panic, and if there is pain and discharge or the child is frozen, we urgently call the hospital.

7. Leakage of amniotic fluid. If you notice abundant clear discharge that increases with a change in body position, go to the reception, there may have been a tear in the fetal membrane.

How should vegetarians eat during pregnancy?

– Restrictions in food, which we observe in vegetarians, deprive the child of essential vitamins and minerals. Vegetarians do not consume animal proteins, zinc, iron, vitamin A, D3, calcium. However, this does not mean that you need to abandon the usual eating behavior and start eating something that you have never eaten. On the contrary, during pregnancy it is better not to allow sudden changes in the diet.

If you have not been eating meat, milk, eggs for a long time, just tell your doctor about it. He will prescribe a complex of all the necessary vitamins and microelements for the full growth and development of the baby in the womb or recommend which products to add money to, based on your analyzes.

איז עס מעגלעך צו האָבן געשלעכט?

If a woman is healthy, her baby is developing well and there are no problems, then sex is welcome. In the second trimester, joy just goes to a new level. This is the most fertile time for having sex, because while the stomach is not yet so big, but the blood flow to the vagina has already increased so much that intercourse promises many new sensations.

Sex is not recommended in the following cases:

if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy (bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen);

if there was a miscarriage in the anamnesis;

ICI (when the cervix is ​​short or the uterine os is open), in the presence of an obstetric pessary, a suture on the cervix;

if there is a rupture of the fetal bladder, leakage of water;

with placenta previa and its low location;

if there is pain during intercourse;

if you or your partner has not recovered from an STI.

If the doctor forbade you to have sex, then you should forget about masturbation. The contraction of the muscles and uterus during orgasm from self-satisfaction can be much more intense than during intercourse.

וואָס צו טאָן אויב די טעמפּעראַטור ריסעס?

– If you have a high temperature during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and do not self-medicate. In the most extreme case, you can take a paracetamol tablet, but after that make an appointment with a therapist, – explains gynecologist Daria Ivanova.

If it’s a common cold, then the temperature will subside on its own in three to four days. However, there is a risk that complications will arise against the background of SARS: high fever, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, meningitis, encephalitis. So it’s not worth lying and waiting for what a cold will result in.

וואָס צו טאָן אויב עס פּולז די נידעריקער בויך?

“If it pulls the lower abdomen, then you need to go to the doctor to exclude the threat of termination of pregnancy and determine the cause of these pains,” advises obstetrician-gynecologist Daria Ivanova.

In the best case, the mother is simply bothered by the ligaments, at worst, there is a risk of placental abruption and premature birth.

ווי צו עסן רעכט?

First, you need to boldly limit sweets. In contrast, they should lean on proteins, and this is meat, including poultry, milk, legumes, cheese, nuts.

Fatty acids found in fish and seafood should also be included in the diet.

Secondly, you need to reduce the proportion of pasta, potatoes and cereals in your daily diet. It is better to prefer them vegetables. But here, without fanaticism, you don’t need to give up these products at all, carbohydrates will also be useful to the expectant mother.

In short, the pregnancy diet is:

vegetables – raw and thermally processed;


meat, fish, poultry and seafood;

fermented milk products up to 200 ml per day;

berries, fruits.

But we leave sweets, alcohol, chips and canned food, sausages and sausages in the store.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן