Hydnellum odorous (lat. Hydnellum suaveolens)

  • אָפּטייל: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • סאַבדיוויזשאַן: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • קלאַס: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • סובקלאַס: Incertae sedis (פון ומזיכער שטעלע)
  • סדר: Thelephorales (Telephoric)
  • משפּחה: Bankeraceae
  • מין: Hydnellum (Gidnellum)
  • טיפּ: Hydnellum suaveolens (Hydnellum odorous)

Hydnellum רייעך (Hydnellum suaveolens) פאָטאָ און באַשרייַבונג

This fungus has velvety fruiting bodies on top, tuberous, sometimes concave. At the beginning of their development, they are white, and with age they become darker. The lower surface is equipped with bluish spikes.. Gidnellum odorous has a cone-shaped leg and cork pulp with a rather sharp, unpleasant odor. Spore powder brown.

Hydnellum רייעך (Hydnellum suaveolens) פאָטאָ און באַשרייַבונג

This fungus belongs to the Banker family (lat. Bankeraceae). grows גידנעלם שמעקן in coniferous or mixed forests, likes to settle next to spruces and pines on sandy soils. The growing season is in autumn. The upper surface of young mushrooms exudes blood-red droplets of liquid.

די שוועמל געהערט צו דער קאַטעגאָריע פון ​​ינעדאַבאַל.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן