Brilliant cobweb (Cortinarius evernius)

  • אָפּטייל: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • סאַבדיוויזשאַן: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • קלאַס: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • סובקלאַס: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • סדר: אַגאַריקלעס (אַגאַריק אָדער לאַמעללער)
  • משפּחה: Cortinariaceae (שפּיןוועבס)
  • מין: Cortinarius (Spiderweb)
  • טיפּ: Cortinarius evernius (Brilliant cobweb)

בריליאַנט שפינוועב (Cortinarius evernius) פאָטאָ און באַשרייַבונג


Cap of brilliant cobweb, 3-4 (8) cm in diameter, at first acutely bell-shaped or hemispherical, dark brown with a lilac tinge, then bell-shaped or convex, often with a sharp tubercle, with whitish silky remnants of the bedspread along the lowered edge, hygrophanous, reddish-brown, dark -brown, with a purple or violet tint, in wet weather purplish-brown or rusty-brown, smooth and shiny, in dry weather pale brownish, gray-gray with whitish fibers.

Records of medium frequency, wide, adnate with a tooth, with a light finely serrated edge, grayish-brownish, later chestnut, sometimes with a purple or violet tint. The gossamer coverlet is white.

ספּאָר פּודער איז פאַרזשאַווערט ברוין.

The stem of the brilliant cobweb is usually 5-6 (10) cm long and about 0,5 (1) cm in diameter, cylindrical, sometimes narrowed towards the base, fibrous-silky, hollow, whitish at first, whitish with a brownish-purple tint, later with noticeable white concentric belts that disappear in wet weather.

The pulp is thin, brownish, dense in the stem with a purple tint, with a slight unpleasant odor.


The brilliant cobweb grows from mid-August to the end of September in coniferous and mixed forests (with spruce, birch), in damp places, near swamps, in moss, on the litter, found in small groups, not often.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן