Bordered Galerina (Galerina marginata)

  • אָפּטייל: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • סאַבדיוויזשאַן: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • קלאַס: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • סובקלאַס: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • סדר: אַגאַריקלעס (אַגאַריק אָדער לאַמעללער)
  • משפּחה: Hymenogastraceae (Hymenogaster)
  • מין: גאַלערינאַ (גאַלערינאַ)
  • טיפּ: Galerina marginata (Margined Galerina)
  • Pholiota marginata

באָרדערד גאַלערינאַ (Galerina marginata) פאָטאָ און באַשרייַבונג

Author of the photo: Igor Lebedinsky

גאַלערינאַ באָרדערד (לאַט. Galerina marginata) is a species of poisonous mushrooms in the Strophariaceae family of the Agarikov order.

Bordered gallery hat:

Diameter 1-4 cm, the shape is initially bell-shaped or convex, with age it opens to almost flat. The cap itself is hygrofan, it changes appearance depending on the humidity; the dominant color is yellow-brown, ocher, in wet weather – with more or less pronounced concentric zones. The flesh is thin, yellow-brown, with a slight indefinite (possibly mealy) smell.


Of medium frequency and width, adnate, at the beginning yellowish, ocher, then reddish-brown. In young mushrooms, they are covered with a dense and thick white ring.

ספּאָר פּודער:

פאַרזשאַווערט ברוין.

The leg of the galerina bordered:

Length 2-5 cm, thickness 0,1-0,5 cm, somewhat thickened below, hollow, with a whitish or yellowish ring. The top of the ring is covered with powdery coating, the bottom is darker, the color of the cap.


Bordered galerina (Galerina marginata) grows from mid-June to October in forests of various types, preferring heavily rotted coniferous wood; often grows on a substrate immersed in the ground and therefore invisible. Fruits in small groups.

ענלעך מינים:

Bordered Galerina can be very unfortunately mistaken for summer honey agaric (Kuehneromyces mutabilis). In order to avoid fatal misunderstandings, it is strongly not recommended to collect summer mushrooms in coniferous forests (where they, as a rule, do not grow). From many other representatives of the genus Galerina, it is not easy, if not impossible, to distinguish the bordered one, but this, as a rule, is not necessary for a non-specialist. Moreover, recent genetic studies seem to have abolished similar species of galerina, such as Galerina unicolor: all of them, despite their own morphological characters, are genetically indistinguishable from bordered galerina.


The mushroom is extremely poisonous. Contains toxins similar to those of the pale grebe (Amanita phalloides).

Video about mushroom Galerina bordered:

Bordered Galerina (Galerina marginata) – a deadly poisonous mushroom!

האָניק אַגאַריק ווינטער ווס גאַלערינאַ פרינדזשד. ווי צו ויסטיילן?

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן