5 פראגעס צו דער מומחה וועגן הויט זאָרגן אין ווינטער

Garnier skincare expert Anastasia Romashkina answers the hottest winter questions.

1 | What needs to be changed in the beauty routine with the onset of cold weather?

With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to change the rules of the game when caring for the skin. First, I advise reducing the amount of products containing acids. Secondly, add moisturizing and nourishing creams, as well as moisturizing masks.

So, in order. Cleanse the skin with gentle cleansers. For this, the foam from the Hyaluronic Aloe line is suitable, which simultaneously removes impurities and restores the skin.

In order to moisturize, nourish and protect against adverse, sometimes harsh, climatic conditions, we use moisturizing and nourishing serums and creams, for example, Garnier Hyaluronic Aloe Cream. In winter, the frequency of its application can increase up to 3-5 times a day.

If necessary, we include moisturizing masks in home care, applying them every other day. Check out Garnier’s Nourishing Bomb Milk Sheet Mask.

2 | What ingredients in cosmetics should be avoided, and which, on the contrary, are especially important?

Use products with exfoliating acids (salicylic, lactic, glycolic, etc.) carefully, as they can cause dry skin. With problematic skin, you should not abandon the usual means.

The following ingredients are especially important: hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, vitamins A, C, E. These components help maintain skin hydration and regeneration, protecting it in winter. For example, for winter care, Garnier products from the Hyaluronic Aloe series or the line with vitamin C are suitable.

3 | Is it true that moisturizers (water-based) are not recommended to be applied immediately before going out into the cold?

Indeed, there is an opinion that if you apply moisturizers in winter, they will turn into ice crystals and damage the skin even more. This is not true. However, they should not be used immediately before going outside. Creams in winter are applied 30 minutes or more before you find yourself in the cold so that it is completely absorbed.

Winter creams are usually thicker and can be applied more than twice a day if the skin needs extra protection and nourishment.

4 | What are the main mistakes people make when caring for their skin in winter?

The most important mistake in skin care in winter is the use of products with acids, scrubs and gommage without additional moisturizing of the skin. The second mistake is the lack of products for moisturizing and nourishing the skin in home care. Third – in case of peeling, limit yourself to 1-2 applications of the cream (morning and evening). It is necessary to apply the cream several times throughout the day, plus add moisturizing masks on a daily basis to restore skin hydration.

5 | How useful are winter walks for facial skin?

Staying in the fresh air with preliminary moisturizing of the skin helps to normalize skin tone, reduce dark circles under the eyes. Why? Walking in nature improves blood circulation, which leads to an influx of oxygen, vitamins and trace elements to the skin, improving complexion.

Fresh air and good mood are important components of a winter beauty routine.

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