Anxiety situation: how to get out of an anxious state?

Anxiety situation: how to get out of an anxious state?

An anxious state is a feeling of worry and stress that arises as a reaction to a feeling of imminent danger. The Covid-19 health crisis has largely contributed to the development of anxiety disorders in part of the population.

What is an anxiety-provoking situation?

Linked to a feeling of insecurity, anxiety is characterized by a feeling of dread in the face of danger perceived as imminent. Loss of control, stress, the tension felt is both physical and psychic to the point of becoming disabling.

A particularly anxiety-provoking situation, the pandemic linked to the coronavirus, for example, led to a 27% increase between October 2020 and March 2021 in consultations with psychologists. Figures revealed by the Doctolib platform and relayed by 20 minutes, which reflect both the weariness, fear and even the uncertainty that result from this unprecedented situation. According to a survey conducted by Public Health France since March 2020, 31% of the people questioned presented anxious or depressive states.

גענעראַליזעד דייַגעס

In some people, the feeling of being confronted with an anxiety-provoking situation becomes permanent. This is called generalized anxiety. Disproportionate and invasive, the anxiety disorder sets in and then requires treatment by health professionals.

How to recognize an anxious state?

While the feeling of occasional anxiety is common and classic, a recurring anxiety disorder can adversely affect daily life, social relationships and the health of the person. Several psychological and physical symptoms can reflect an anxious state among which:

  • Significant stress;
  • בויך ווייטאג;
  • שוועריקייט אין ברידינג;
  • פּאַלפּיטיישאַנז;
  • טרעמאָרס;
  • Sleep disturbances;
  • Hot flashes;
  • טשילז;
  • Diarrhea or on the contrary constipation.

The anxiety attack

Spikes in anxiety can manifest as anxiety attacks. Violent and uncontrollable, they are characterized by a loss of control linked to a fear of dying. An anxiety attack, also called a panic attack, is marked by:

  • עקל אָדער וואַמאַטינג;
  • קאָפּשווינדל ;
  • טרערן פון טרערן;
  • טרעמאָרס;
  • A feeling of suffocation;
  • טאַטשיקאַרדיאַ.

Anxiety disorder is frequently associated with other disorders such as depression or addiction.

How do I know if my anxiety is normal?

A classic anxiety-inducing situation should be distinguished from a disproportionate and recurring anxiety state.

We have all experienced anxiety before an exam or in an accident, for example. This reaction to an anxiety-provoking situation is normal and necessary. The brain sends an alarm signal in order to mobilize and raise our level of vigilance.

To know if the anxiety state is abnormal, we can ask ourselves several questions such as:

  • Am I feeling anxious about something that really matters?
  • Does my anxiety cause recurring suffering in my daily life?

When anxiety is a sign of an anxiety disorder

Strong, lasting and disabling anxiety can be a sign of the presence of an anxiety disorder. Among the most common, we can mention in particular:

  • Social anxiety;
  • Specific phobia;
  • Separation anxiety;
  • Agoraphobia;
  • Panic disorder;
  • Generalized anxiety (a persistent feeling of insecurity).

According to data from Inserm, the National Institute of Health and Medical Research, 21% of adults will be affected by an anxiety disorder during their lifetime. “Anxiety disorders mainly begin during childhood or adolescence,” says Inserm. The earlier the manifestations start, the more the disease is likely to be severe thereafter. “

How to manage and calm your anxiety?

If anxiety disorders remain occasional, natural methods or alternative medicine techniques can be of great help in successfully recovering from mild anxiety and calming down.

Sophrology, which combines breathing techniques with postures and positive visualization, or even the practice of yoga, meditation or hypnosis, may be effective in successfully letting go and managing the symptoms associated with anxiety.

If the anxiety-provoking situation sets in until it becomes omnipresent and represents suffering, consult your attending physician or a mental health professional. Therapy will allow the patient to be accompanied and to understand the source of his discomfort.

At the same time, in certain cases, a drug treatment can come to relieve the symptoms of an anxiety state in order to allow the patient to resume a normal life.

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