13 סיטואַטיאָנס ווו עלטערן ריגרעטיד צו האָבן קינדער

Babies are the flowers of our life, of course they are. But these flowers are sometimes terribly upsetting.

When a child squeals in a supermarket or in the middle of a shopping center says something like: “Move away, you are not my mother,” any of us is ready to sink into the ground. But these are far from the only situations in which we are so angry with our children that we are ready to seriously regret our decision to become parents. On the social network Reddit, parents shared such moments. We have selected the most annoying ones.


“My son made his way to the workshop when I went to cook dinner. Found there a glue gun that I forgot to turn off. While I was away, he taped all the sockets in the house that he could find. Do you understand? Every single one ”.


“My daughter hit my newborn brother in the face as soon as she saw him for the first time.” This story, by the way, is not an isolated one. There are others: “My brother first stroked my head several times, apparently to lull the vigilance of my parents. And then he gave me a slap in the face. ”

“And I purposely pinched my little sister so that she woke up and cried. Mom then came for her, took her away, and the room again became only mine. I was 8 years old then. Now my sister and I have a great relationship, but I’m still ashamed. “


“My kids put butter on the dog. Have you ever tried to catch an oiled Chihuahua? ” The answer for a million is “No, but I have butter and a Chihuahua. I think your kids have invented a new sport. “


“My kids once decided that the bathroom was the most fun place to play. And it just so happened that I forgot to take my wallet out of my pants, which I threw in the wash. They flushed $ 400 down the toilet. “


“I was talking to an elderly man. My five-year-old son stood by and listened to us patiently. And then he suddenly hit grandfather in the groin with all his might. He collapsed to the ground in pain. Then I asked my son why he did it. He had no explanation. I just wanted to do it. “


“My four-year-old son and I were queuing at the checkout at the grocery store. There were two very fat people in front of us. Unfortunately, my son noticed them. “Look, mom, how fat,” and points a finger at the man. Everything went cold inside me. The people around were trying not to laugh with all their might. I say in a very firm voice: “It is impolite to talk about a person like that.” And he: “Well, he’s really very fat.” And then I just told him to shut up. It was the longest line in my life.


“Once in a shopping center, my two-year-old son saw a very old woman – with sunken eyes, very wrinkled. She walked slowly, scuffed her feet, and her son began to shout: “Zombie! Mom, look, it’s a zombie! “


“My two-year-old daughter woke up one day before me and decided that she needed to wake up her mother. She went to the kitchen, grabbed the ladder, climbed into the knife drawer, grabbed one, and went to my bedroom. She climbed into my bed and slapped me in the face. I woke up and saw that she was holding a knife right over my face, and she was giggling like Chucky’s fiancee.


“My daughter and I went to the pool, and once in the locker room she asked very loudly why my breasts did not hang in the same way as the elderly lady next to me. That woman, fortunately, was not offended, but laughed, but I was very ashamed. “

# קסנומקס

“My teenage daughter always told at school that we didn’t feed her, we scold and beat her all the time. The teacher somehow heard these complaints from her classmates and reported us to the guardianship service. They investigated, spoke to us, interviewed each of our children separately. We still shudder when we remember it. “

# קסנומקס

“I was 15 weeks pregnant when our eldest was one year and three months old. He woke up at half past five in the morning, and I had insomnia, I was just half-dead from fatigue. She took a nap on the couch next to her son when he played. And he came up and hit me in the face with a toy car with all his might. I woke up from wild pain, something cracked in the bridge of my nose. She burst into tears and asked why he was doing this to me. It seems that my tears scared him more than if I swore. “

# קסנומקס

“When my mother took me to kindergarten, all the other children were crying. But not me. The teacher leaned over to say hello, and I hit her in the face. And when we were driving home, I saw a black man for the first time, pointed at him and said: “Look, mom, chocolate man.”

# קסנומקס

“I was trying to finally drink coffee, and my four-year-old son came up and punched his fist right on the mug. And the mug is in my teeth. Thank God he didn’t knock them out. I couldn’t even say anything, I just sat and looked at him, I was so shocked. “

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן